Example sentences of "heat of [art] day " in BNC.

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1 This man would forget the purpose of his visit , at least for a brief spell , and the fact that he was on official business , and drink tea and eat a good meal in the prosecutor 's house , crack jokes and make amiable conversation , and sleep through the heat of the day .
2 IT 'S EARLY afternoon and the heat of the day hangs heavy in Rafiq 's humble mud-floored shop .
3 We visited the atmospheric and sturdy 12th-century Abbaye du Thoronet in the heat of the day , when the low-arched cloisters , massive chapel and medieval granary were dark and cool and most of the tourists were at lunch .
4 It 's a relaxed atmosphere here with most people preferring to laze around the complex in the heat of the day , but the beach is only 3000 metres away .
5 Everything you need is available here from the tennis court which is floodlit at night so that you need n't play in the heat of the day , to the restaurants — the Timanfaya restaurant which serves snacks and full meals at discounted prices and the Indian restaurant .
6 The mammals in particular stay in burrows during the day , and emerge only at night ; and reptiles , too , hole up in the heat of the day .
7 The heat of the day had been replaced by searing cold and the bus was nearly empty .
8 This openness and variation in level of the track , now giving views over a mile or so of green tree-crowns , now limiting the sky and showing on every side a steeply climbing hillside of columns , would have made their walking pleasant had it not been for the unseasonable heat of the day .
9 The town outside was long since ruined and empty , and he preferred St Hilarion in the heat of the day .
10 Nevertheless , as Primaflora was immoderately aware , he would not have come for these alone , with no heed for the heat of the day .
11 In the dying heat of the day , Cropnose gave audience to Primaflora on her balcony .
12 But he followed her as she went out into the street and the brown heat of the day , which steamed off the hot stone setts and fresh horse dung .
13 ‘ The heat of the day , no less .
14 Faldo said : ‘ I guess the heat of the day got to the top of my head .
15 The huge trees offered shade from the sun , but their deep sprays of leaves seemed to trap and intensify the heat of the day .
16 And the heat of the day , combined with a natural anxiety , made me sweat , though not as profusely as Dr Reid , who was continually wiping his pink , bald head .
17 Supporters of this generally held theory point to the tiger 's thick fur and heavy layer of fat ; also to its need to keep cool in the hot climates in which it now lives by immersing itself in water whenever it can during the heat of the day .
18 It was late evening , close to twilight , but the heat of the day made the atmosphere baking , the air very still .
19 So I strolled amid the base huts sheltering those far-flung operatives of commerce , waiting for the heat of the day to draw the moisture from my 60/40 silk/viscose trouser mix .
20 Australians and Chinese , who have borne the burden and heat of the day in the war imposed by Japanese aggression , naturally take a dim view of Washington 's new policy and ask how Japan is going to behave once it gets back its industrial strength .
21 To avoid the heat of the day we went out in the mornings , waking while it was still dark .
22 It was late afternoon and the intense heat of the day was dying .
23 They followed him out of the camp in single file and headed along the riverbank , making for watering places where buffalo liked to wallow in the heat of the day .
24 Crawling through the thick grass with heavy rifles in the heat of the day left all three of them gasping for breath .
25 Only the day before , those noble , horned beasts had been filing unsuspectingly through the long grass of the plain , intending to wallow harmlessly in some cool place through the heat of the day .
26 Ploughing was particularly burdensome to the oxen during the heat of the day , and by finishing at noon they would escape the greater part of it .
27 Take off early morning before the heat of the day , and back in England for an easy onward journey by 0800 .
28 Dusk on a still and balmy evening , after the heat of the day has passed , is the time when you can really appreciate the full fragrance of flowers .
29 I pulled the ring-top from the can and drank greedily , for the heat of the day and the kiln 's hot breath had parched my throat .
30 His simple , expensive tunic hung straight , without the least sign of a crease or a sweat stain , despite the heat of the day and the advanced hour of morning .
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