Example sentences of "to live in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They chose to live in the grander of the two houses , and Wood Dalling was demoted to a farmhouse and remained thus until comparatively recently .
2 But it was this very exploitation — the fact , for example , that immigrant workers had to live in the deprived and decaying areas of big cities because of the proximity of their jobs to these areas , which led to their being regarded increasingly as undesirable .
3 ‘ In the post-war years ’ , wrote Randolph 's son , ‘ Randolph remained for ever in debt because of his determination to live in the grand style to which he had allowed himself to become accustomed . ’
4 The Trinity Area , a serviceable enough place to live in the 17th century , was fast becoming a slum for the destitute .
5 Often the councillors are the same people who have gone to live in the pleasanter parts of rural England for peace and quiet , and they tend to take a dim view if local farmers apply for licences to run money-earning , but intrusive , leisure pursuits such as motor bike scrambling , model aeroplane clubs , clay pigeon shooting , go-carting and jet skiing .
6 The man who had severed his traditional local ties to live in the impersonal and anonymous city searched for something he could identify with , for new loyalties and attachments .
7 This deliberate government policy was to encourage people to live in the rural areas and ensure that their income was at least as high as that of the factory worker .
8 It is a curious fact that the poor benighted people who were unfortunate enough to live in the rural wetlands did not seem to share the prejudices of their visitors at all .
9 It is these few people who are probably very dependent on public transport , and , if it becomes too expensive or infrequent , they may find themselves unable to live in the rural community .
10 If it is true that no man knows what may befall him , nor how he may make himself safe against all future evils , is it not therefore the wisest course to make no provision , but to live in the present experience only ?
11 be unable to live in the present moment
12 IF YOU WANT to live in the dampest homes in England , rent a house or flat privately .
13 The demi-caractère style has its roots in classical technique , but must be coloured by more clearly defined and individual movements which allow the dancers to show they are playing the part of some character who has some claim to live in the real world and therefore can be recognised as such .
14 While we all think that everyone should have unlimited access to public areas , we have to live in the real world and accept that all sports and hobbies are controlled in some way or other .
15 I do n't have a great deal of sympathy for his argument , since the BBC has to live in the real world like everyone else .
16 Sam misses it , but you have to live in the real world .
17 Maybe I was less fortunate than my colleagues in my experience of Heathrow , but even my landlady in Twickenham was a most severe character , as mean as mustard with food and I seemed to live in the expensive Airport restaurant even when I was off duty .
18 In 1955 a solitary bottlenose dolphin came to live in the remote Hokianga Harbour in Northland , New Zealand , and was soon to cause a sensation .
19 The family who had owned and operated the mill continued to live in the imposing nearby mill house , but were unable to fund a restoration of the redundant mill , so that when a Repairs Notice was served on them by the local authority , they were obliged to sell the building .
20 During the summer months it was pleasant to live in the gentle East Anglian countryside , to cycle around the small villages and to sunbathe when the weather permitted .
21 There is a tendency therefore for young teachers to be unwilling to go to a rural school ; and for over a third of headteachers to live in the nearest large town .
22 While the battle of the mind goes on there is great advantage in the separation I have advocated , for it enables a man to live in the two worlds instead of in hideous confusion .
23 I can say this because I am lucky enough to live in the other gulf — the gulf between the personal and the political — that such events open up .
24 Adaptation to Roman society and culture ; doctrinal self-definition , and organizational solidification : the century and a half after Constantine 's conversion was all this ; but more than anything else , it was the time in which Christians learnt to live in the new conditions of their existence .
25 but erm , sorry the reason I 'm raising my eyebrows is that the people who would come to live in the new settlement if it was to happen , are people who would otherwise have to live somewhere else in in the county
26 The thing had died , and for its death they could also find no reason … no more than they could find a reason for how it was able to live in the first place .
27 His parents fully understood his difficulties and raised no objections when he said that he wanted to live in the poorest part of South-East London for a year , to study conditions and work in a lay capacity amongst the people .
28 This is what it was like to live in the pre-scholastic age .
29 Nicole Ward Jouve 's story of a French woman coming to live in the cold damp English countryside and her growing disenchantment is funny and telling .
30 Red Deer ( Cervus elaphus ) are really forest animals , but over the centuries we have destroyed Scotland 's natural woodlands and driven the deer to live in the harsh environments of the higher , exposed hills .
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