Example sentences of "to live in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With her penetrating instinct she did not like him , and was so angry with me for , as she said , ‘ wasting myself upon such rubbish ’ , that in the end she turned me out of my room and I went to live in a tiny , freezing attic in a house in Morningside Crescent owned by a friend of hers , a white woman .
2 After all , I ca n't see a girl like you giving up her freedom to live in a squalid little room above a shop — and , believe me , without help Peter certainly ca n't afford anything else . ’
3 She seems to live in a comfy old-fashioned world which is far removed from the reality with which most women have to struggle .
4 However , it is difficult to say if this is desirable from the residents ' point of view , or whether they would prefer to live in a mixed group of people with differing levels of disability ; when asked , most patients express a preference for being with others who do not have behavioural problems .
5 She found it easier to live in a faint fog , at one remove from what most people called reality .
6 Both these mountainside systems had been developed as a response to communities being forced by hostile forces ( the Masai in the case of the waChagga , and the Nguni in the case of the waTengo ) to live in a restricted area .
7 The North Sea Oil bonanza — money that should have been spent encouraging and harnessing the potential of young people to live in a new , modern world — was instead squandered paying them to stay on the dole and to stay away from schools , colleges and training .
8 To live in a stable and orderly community .
9 To live in a nice house
10 Sometimes when my mother told me how fortunate I was , how lucky to live in a nice house and be engaged to a good man , I felt like a fish in a gilded cage .
11 ‘ A priority now is for us to learn how to live in a democratic society .
12 The spokesman goes on , ‘ What the PLO desires for the Palestinians , is what the majority of people in Northern Ireland require for their people the right to live in a democratic society free from fear . ’
13 At first glance they may seem confining and restrictive , but more careful evaluation shows that the structure of laws enables us to live in a healthy and balanced way , in moderation and without excess .
14 Launching a sugar plantation took a great deal of capital and the planters were always short of money ; many of them had bought estates at the high land prices of the boom , and most of them felt they owed it to themselves to live in a gentlemanly way that ignored debts .
15 It is effectively a social service order as the authority becomes the Guardian and can require the person to live in a certain residential establishment , to accept treatment , occupation or training , and to receive visits from a doctor or social worker .
16 Fishkeepers should always bear in mind that the majority of their fish have over the period of evolution become adapted to live in a certain environment — sea , river , swamp , lake , etc … each with its own specific limits of water chemistry and quality .
17 Nobody , but nobody , had ever seemed to live in a boring house in the suburbs with a swing in the back garden .
18 Trying to find somewhere to live in a strange country may also be a concern .
19 The style was a perfect foil to the fripperies of the cottage orné and displayed the serious character of its commissioner , Robert Sayer , who had just bought this large property and wanted to live in a modern house rather than the older one by the abbey ruins .
20 ‘ I want to live in a small village. ,
21 Whereas Esther , intellectually more gifted than Charles , chose to live in a small flat just off the wrong end of Ladbroke Grove , earning a pittance from odd lectures , odd articles , a little teaching .
22 Kate told herself as the Porsche leapt forward as if pleased to be released from this rather unfashionable and cheap part of London which was the only place she could afford to live in a small flat by herself .
23 Each flat houses from four to ten students : applicants must , therefore , be prepared to live in a small group with individuals they have never met before , and to take a share of responsibility for the running of the flat and general household and financial matters .
24 Melanie had been told they had come to live in a great city but found herself again in a village , a grey one .
25 They 're too embarrassed to actually part with them and so you have this very difficult decision as to whether to insist that you have their laundry or whether you allow them to go on doing that , causing them to live in a smelly environment .
26 For example , Jones ( 1976 ) in a study of central Wales found that employment , the desire to live in a better area and a former link with the area were important reasons for explaining the success of a growth pole town , Newtown .
27 To be a true professional , you had to live in a closed world .
28 If a grown-up really wants to find out what it is like to live in a young person 's world , let him or her get down on hands and knees and go about like that for a week .
29 Sometimes it seemed to her that he preferred to live in a perpetual shiver .
30 ‘ But it was for richer or poorer and I 'd be happy to live in a cardboard box if it was with my husband .
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