Example sentences of "speaking at a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was speaking at a Reading University dairy information systems ( DAISY ) meeting held for veterinary surgeons .
2 Indeed , Ernest Bevin , speaking at a union dinner , maintained that , if there is a new conception of the objects of industry , then there can be created in this country … conditions which will minimize strikes and probably make them non-existent for 25 years . ’
3 Speaking at a session of the Seimas ( parliament ) on Dec. 16 , Prime Minister Lubys announced that economic reform would continue " with certain corrections " , involving a return to price regulation on basic foodstuffs " during the transitional period " and a reassessment of the " negative consequences " of privatization .
4 John Cross , speaking at a press conference to mark the publication yesterday of The Military Balance 1989-90 , the institute 's authoritative annual survey of world armed forces , said that the cuts under way in the Warsaw Pact ‘ do tend to support Soviet claims of new thinking ’ .
5 He was speaking at a press conference in Dublin following the decision by the Irish Republic 's Director of Public Prosecutions on Thursday not to bring a case under the 1976 Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act , allowing prosecutions in the Republic for offences allegedly committed in Britain .
6 Speaking at a press conference later about the Bonn government 's attitude to accepting existing borders and renouncing any territorial claims , he pointed an accusing figure at Chancellor Helmut Kohl for his recent plan for reunification .
7 Speaking at a press conference on security , Reagan raised the banner for a new approach to national defence — a move away from massive retaliation toward a new defensive technology , hovering in space , that could nullify the Soviet Union 's arsenal of missiles .
8 Speaking at a press conference at INTO headquarters , he repeated his demand for immediate consultations with teachers , to work out manageable arrangements and restore faith in the province 's education system .
9 Speaking at a press conference at the UN in New York on the same day , Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Petrovsky gave the Soviet Union 's first public disclosure of its total foreign troop strength , putting the figure at 627,000 .
10 Speaking at a press conference in Dhaka on Nov. 19 , 1989 , during a visit to Bangladesh [ see also below ] , Li Peng said : " The changes in Eastern Europe are making some people happy and others worried , " and advised " certain people not to feel happy too soon " .
11 Speaking at a press conference in the UN headquarters in New York on Sept. 30 , 1989 , the Iranian Foreign Minister , Ali Akbar Vellayati , said that Iran had accepted a four-point UN proposal including simultaneous troop withdrawal and prisoner exchange , but that Iraq had rejected the idea .
12 Speaking at a press conference on March 18 , Akayev said he thought such a federation impossible .
13 Speaking at a press conference in London , Dr Vladimir Chernousenko said his figure was based on a tally kept by victim support groups .
14 He was speaking at a press conference at Conwy at which the message to flood victims was : ‘ Do n't go home until you ring our Helpline . ’
15 Mr John Edmonds , general secretary of the GMB , was speaking at a press conference given by Mr Alan Milburn , the Labour candidate for the town .
16 Speaking at a rally in Budapest , the Hungarian Prime Minister , Jozsef Antall said that he condemned the treaty " historically speaking " , but noted that Hungary had signed the 1975 Helsinki Final Act renouncing the violent changing of frontiers .
17 Speaking at a rally on " Shaka Day " ( celebrating a Zulu hero ) , and brandishing a number of " traditional " weapons , Buthelezi declared that any attempt by the government to disarm Inkatha would be defied and that fencing around migrant worker hostels , largely Inkatha strongholds , would be destroyed .
18 Speaking at a rally on Wednesday night he appealed for what he called a political ‘ big bang ’ after next month 's parliamentary elections , in which the Socialists are expected to lose heavily .
19 He was speaking at a lunch organised by the Industrial Development Board for leading businessmen in the Province , and his words went down well .
20 Mr Millan is speaking at a lunch to be held at the SAS Royal Hotel in Brussels to celebrate the new venture , which is the first official joint undertaking of the two law societies [ which represent solicitors in their two jurisdictions ] .
21 Speaking at a banquet in Jakarta , the Indonesian capital , on Aug. 7 , Li stressed the importance attached by China to the Association of South East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) , and said that differences in social systems should not affect the development of friendly relations and mutual trust .
22 Speaking at a presentation ceremony in Derbyshire for students awarded the Guild 's Diploma , Mr Maclean said :
23 Speaking at a news conference he said : ‘ Ian Lang [ the Scottish Secretary ] has talked of a referendum and I welcome that .
24 Lee , speaking at a news conference at an hotel near his Wilmslow home , said that so far he had not made contact with Swales .
25 Speaking at a news conference at Merseyside Police headquarters in Liverpool , he said : ‘ Unfortunately at this time all I can feel is angry .
26 Speaking at a news conference in Glasgow , he said : ‘ There are some members of the Labour Party who can not stomach the idea of allowing Scottish water to be privatised while waving the white flag over ownership . ’
27 Speaking at a finance committee meeting , Mr Begg said poll tax payers in the region in the last financial year had contributed £141.8 million towards the cost of local services .
28 Speaking at a finance committee meeting , Mr Begg said poll tax payers in the region in the last financial year contributed £141.8 million towards the cost of local services .
29 The following night , I was speaking at a transport dinner in London and found myself sitting two or three down from a general .
30 Mr Patten , speaking at a fringe meeting at the tory conference made the remarks about Professor Tim Brighouse who ran schools in Oxfordshire for eleven years and now heads Birmingham 's education department .
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