Example sentences of "contribution to this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His own contribution to this work and to surgery in general was later recognised in 1987 by the award of the Lister Medal .
2 As a contribution to this agenda for legal scholarship , this essay endeavours to identify the principles which determine the substance of modern contract law .
3 Barrow had succeeded to Lehmann 's old position , and whilst his contribution to this scheme was negligible , his role as leader of the Dispersionist faction in the House made his presence here essential .
4 The cast were mainly non-professionals and I think what 's exciting is their contribution to this film made it the success it is .
5 Mrs Castle 's contribution to this cornucopia of political wisdom and strategic insight was that policies had to be put in their philosophical context to win consent .
6 Very recently David Davis ( 1982 ) has made a scholarly contribution to this field and has been fortunate enough to have the chance to put theory into practice at Birmingham Polytechnic where under the leadership of Brian Watkins a specialist course of considerable merit and vision for P.G.C.E. students has been introduced .
7 Suffice it to say that in this field voluntary effort has long played a considerable part and there are signs that it intends to increase its contribution to this field .
8 Perhaps a future valid contribution to this field could be made by a combination of experimental simulation of mechanical and chemical compaction in conjunction with the use of computer imagery in volume reconstruction ; at present we only know compaction is extremely effective at reducing both absolute volume and porosity in many sediments .
9 Some of them tried to make amends for their own earlier contribution to this state of affairs and moved to include me more fully in the life of the school — a few even started to invite me back home for meals and things .
10 If I have thereby diminished Carr and Rees 's very valuable contribution to this subject , then I am sincerely sorry .
11 You have made a major contribution to this production , Miss Grimsilk .
12 The future of Socialism made , of course , a significant contribution to this shift of emphasis .
13 This chapter examines the way that change has taken place , in particular in relation to social structure in terms of changing social relations of production , and the contribution to this process of change made by different social groups , such as political elites and the peasantry .
14 Fumaroli 's contribution to this argument is to insist that it is not so much the market which has blurred cultural standards , as much as the queasy relativism and condescending egalitarianism of State funding of pop culture .
15 ‘ Perhaps now is the time for us , as Christians , to reflect on our contribution to this non-communication .
16 In addition , the atmospheric contribution to this heat transport is at least as great as that from ocean currents , and is dominated by fluxes in winter .
17 In an inspired contribution to this debate , Floud and Wachter ( 1982 ) ask what happened to the heights of working class people in this period .
18 Robson 's volume , Those Inner Cities ‘ ( 1988 ) , although an authoritative contribution to this debate , in accepting common sense constructions of social problems ( e.g. the section in Chapter 1 on ‘ Crime and unrest ’ ) stubbornly ignores the reality of politics and uncritically reproduces the inner city as a space outside society .
19 Given the crucial role that the Manpower Services Commission has played in the undermining of education and the construction of its current occupationalist surrogate , its contribution to this debate deserves close scrutiny .
20 Another useful contribution to this debate is provided by Anthony ( 1978 ) .
21 Why do we not have his intellectual contribution to this debate ?
22 I came to Congress with my contribution to this debate firmly fixed in my own mind , but unsure of the view of the leadership of our union , given the views quoted to them in the press as their own .
23 Sue Robertson , Educational Officer at The South Bank Centre , feels extremely grateful to Kodak for their essential contribution to this project , and believes that it 's very important to combat the idea many young people seem to have that galleries are very boring places to visit .
24 Scotland is making a strong contribution to this study and the final conference on the theme is to be held here next year .
25 Central Council thanks all those Branches and individuals who worked so hard to ensure that the Association 's contribution to this Appeal was so substantial .
26 We 've never made a contribution to this club .
27 In Poems and Versions ( Carcanet , £6.95 ) David Wright 's contribution to this sub-genre is so bad as to be fascinating : I turn the leaves of memory To see you , prince of Rathbone Place , In blackout years , defying with Magnanimous and careless spirit …
28 Morris 's contribution to this match is unlikely to find much space in Wisden , but he already looks the part .
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