Example sentences of "raised by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The crucial social question raised by the zombies , relevant to all societies , capitalist or communist , is ‘ Why should the many work for the few ? ’
2 That AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis is the cause of pain in affected patients is supported by earlier work in HIV-infected patients ( which included 10 of the patients described here ) where a diagnosis of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis was only made after the exclusion of other causes of pain , but the possibility that pain arises in the pancreas is raised by the discovery of coexistent abnormal pancreatograms .
3 The benefit arises because the price of agricultural products is artificially raised by the effects of the CAP .
4 Another defect is raised by the question " How do you know that the stated m exists ? "
5 — established views on the issue raised by the question , which you will have learned about in the class or by your own reading ;
6 Hopes of a peaceful resolution of the conflict were raised by the opening of a round of direct Amal-Hezbollah talks on June 7 .
7 Inevitably , the scientists and military differ over the ethical and strategic issues raised by the possession and use of such a destructive weapon .
8 That 's one of many questions being raised by the affair which broke into the open last week .
9 When in 1952 Michael Ventris announced he had succeeded in deciphering Linear B and that it was an archaic form of Greek , howls of indignant refutation were raised by the fraternity of linguistic experts as a matter of course , and when , with that beautiful sense of timing which nemesis has , a whole library of Linear B tablets was unearthed in Pylos on the Greek mainland one year later , translations of which confirmed Ventris 's conclusion , the experts did the only thing they could under the circumstances : they accused the discoverer and Ventris of having forged them .
10 The money has to be raised by the government and this means high taxation levels , which are always unpopular .
11 She felt a boiling rage about the Westwards , the family who cut off their own flesh and blood , who let her be raised by the charity of the nuns and never bothered themselves to think that she was now of university age .
12 Good news has also come from the government who have recently announced that they will match pound for pound any money raised by the charity and donated to a hospice .
13 Brian Wynne 's article gave a good account of the farmer 's viewpoint of ‘ official ’ science and the general problems of scientific communication and credibility raised by the aftermath of Chernobyl ( ‘ After Chernobyl : science made too simple ? ’ , 26 January ) .
14 is I 'll just run through the additional points and these on the list which have been raised by the others , and
15 Community legislation may be comprehensive without necessarily dealing with the precise point raised by the Member State , and may therefore have the effect of ‘ freezing ’ the situation .
16 It was suggested by Wickes that this was an appropriate case for a reference to the European Court of Justice on the issue raised by the decision of the Court of Appeal that Community law required an undertaking in damages .
17 Work was started on the restoration of the bombed church in 1956 , substantial funds being raised by the RAF , Commonwealth and Allied Air Forces , as well as from civilian benefactors .
18 This reciprocal arrangement allowed the secondary school to benefit from the professional advice of the staff at the special school and to respond to any concerns or reservations raised by the child .
19 The money raised by the event will help to rebuild the Children 's Hospital in Osijek , which has been badly damaged by shellfire .
20 Assessments of less than £1 were not made in the subsidy , and nearly all below £2 were based on wages , except for a few based on income from land ; and since the statutory proviso , doubtless intended to allay fears raised by the inquest of 1522 , restricted taxation to one form of wealth only , any personal property belonging to persons so taxed was ignored .
21 On her lips she tasted the dust raised by the horses ' hooves and the wheels of the carriage .
22 The trial was immediately adjourned to consider legal issues raised by the defence .
23 The company has several other industrial and government partners , including Boeing Co , Du Pont Co , Ford Motor Co and the National Security Agency , but IBM 's $100m-plus represents about half the total raised by the company , and IBM has also supplied top managers to the company .
24 Peter 's reign saw the most dramatic leap in the revenue raised by the State .
25 The question of work discipline was often raised by the respondents but they supplied no easy answers .
26 They 're funded entirely voluntarily from money raised by the parents .
27 Those issues were raised by the Secretary of State for the Environment , especially when he was running for the leadership of the Conservative party .
28 Also , as with so many of the politicians , some members of the UWC did not appreciate the constitutional and other implications raised by the case .
29 Given that cases involving the exercise of public functions might also raise issues of private law , it should be made clear that the court hearing an application under public law procedure is to decide all issues raised by the case , whether of public law or private law .
30 One idea is that judicial review procedure should be more ‘ inquisitorial ’ and should allow the court to take a more active part in the finding of facts and the calling of evidence relevant to wider issues raised by the case but which the parties themselves might have no strong incentive to call .
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