Example sentences of "set for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Government would like the bill to complete its Commons passage as soon as possible after Denmark votes in its second referendum on the treaty , set for mid May .
2 In the DTI , for example , resource inputs into financial assistance schemes were measured against outputs ( such as jobs created/safeguarded ) enabling the cost-effectiveness of the programme to be assessed , and targets set for future schemes ( Progress in Financial Management in Government Departments , 1984 , p. 103 ) .
3 On the other hand , the Hague Convention deals with a limited issue , that of service abroad ; it does not affect the rules as to the extent of the jurisdiction of the courts of a particular state , the rules of the forum court as to which documents are required to be served , nor the time-limits set for procedural steps under that law .
4 Control is exercised by financial techniques and revision of the objectives set for each unit .
5 The taxpayer : The financial targets set for each agency are designed to be demanding , ‘ so that the taxpayer can be certain that the money that is provided for these services is used in the most efficient way ’ .
6 A machine-readable data set for each diet of elections , and for elections in each tier of local government over time , will be deposited with the ESRC Data Archive .
7 City : C & W set for joint venture with Russians
8 But the credit-worthiness requirements which they set for new customers are relatively stringent .
9 The emission standards set for new vehicles gave due consideration to the technological feasibility and economic cost of compliance by the vehicle manufacturers and the standards which emerged were similar to those already adopted by California .
10 Following the submission of a Gallup report on the matter the BPI have decided to instigate a full investigation with hearings set for early September .
11 You can do this each year on a percentage basis which you set for that year on the basis of your knowledge of the church-going habits of the congregation .
12 NEW fixed-rate mortgages include 7.79% until January 1995 from Abbey National , and Cheltenham & Gloucester 's 7.5% fixed for two years or 8.75% set for five years .
13 In the hall , turning to Martin , she said , ‘ Come and see the table before you go upstairs , ’ and hurried forward to the dining-room , where Martin exclaimed in genuine appreciation of the table , beautifully decorated with flowers , glass , and silver and set for sixteen people .
14 Mr. Tony Banks , supported by Mr. Tom Clarke , Ms. Diane Abbott and Mr. Jeremy Corbyn , presented a Bill to make statutory provision for fixed term parliaments , compulsory attendance at polling stations , a public holiday on days set for general elections ; and for connected purposes ; And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time on Thursday 9 April and to be printed .
15 The Former West German Chancellor , Mr Willy Brandt , has said that any party in East Germany that decides to run on a reunification plank is virtually assured of a runaway victory at the general elections set for next May .
16 Myanma 's ( formerly Burma ) military rulers yesterday barred one of the country 's main dissident groups headed by a former prime minister , U Nu , from contesting elections set for next May .
17 And IBM has a further round of announcements set for next Tuesday 16th which will see the AS/400 move into the open systems frame with new Posix functionality and possibly a future game-plan that would see it share Rios 2 — or beyond — chip architectures with the RS/6000 .
18 Set for next Thursday afternoon in the Chamber 's Old Hall Street conference room , the seminar will include a party of East German managers who are in the area on language and business training courses .
19 Windows 4GL 2.0 supports a range of databases at run-time , prices start at $1,000 with ships set for next month .
20 After the flawless performances of Apollos 11 and 12 , Apollo 13 looked all set for another success .
21 Perkins , 17 , schoolboy son of Burscough boss Russ , impressed Stoke manager Lou Macari and is all set for another week in the Potteries over Christmas .
22 Top Irish writers set for literary festival in Derry
23 The tariffs set for these appellants
24 One local newspaper even headlined its story ‘ Hinkley C Protesters Set For Big Win ’ .
25 Riders set for big city welcome
26 The opening ceremony , set for last May , was cancelled , and local activists had to remain on the original walls while gazing up in wonder at the spectacular treat they were being denied .
27 The prices of certain goods too — notably manufactured goods — appear to be ‘ administered ’ , or set for some time so that they do not respond immediately to changes in supply and demand .
28 Ribber to P — set for circular knitting .
29 Set for circular knitting ; knit two rows .
30 The series of papers which form the basic data set for this research ( the Rolfe papers , and Will 1985 ) , contained lists of theses arranged in a classified order .
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