Example sentences of "set [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hunton , ( unfortunately later to be hanged for highway robbery ) took Tawell into his firm and virtually set the young man up .
2 " Set the young man some impossible task , " he said to the king .
3 MONIE : Set the highest standard in Britain
4 A little breeze came in through the open window and set the hanging light swinging , so that her face was now shadowed , now glistening pale in the electric glare .
5 Banks financing oil and gas pipeline projects are given similar guarantees by means of through-put agreements which set the minimum usage of the facility by the various contracting parties .
6 These set the minimum amount of capital ( free assets , or the amount by which an insurers ' assets exceed the actuarial calculation of its liabilities ) that an insurer must have to reassure customers and regulators that it can meet its liabilities .
7 In Roosevelt 's New Deal administration the bureau was brought under closer presidential control and two main effects became apparent : the bureau assisted the President in the difficult job of controlling his own bureaucracy , and the President 's programme , cleared and co-ordinated by the bureau , increasingly set the congressional agenda .
8 Use the /Graph command and set the X data series to D2 …
9 Then go upstairs , while I set the necessary wheels in motion , and wait for me . "
10 Set the macro option to record and all the keypresses made until recording is stopped become part of the macro .
11 In other words , governments , which formally at least set the political agenda , have relatively limited lifespans .
12 But unlike most schools which set the 2nd MB at the end of the second year of the course , before the students start their clinical studies , Southampton has moved the exam to the end of the third ( first clinical ) year .
13 Spatz nodded , still uncertain , then set the first file aside , opening the second .
14 They have hitherto rejected Nauru 's claim , not least because an independent inquiry in 1986 set the appropriate compensation level at A$72 million .
15 Therefore , we have decided that it would not be appropriate to introduce separate charges for sewerage and the provisions in the Bill for water and sewerage charges in Scotland will essentially maintain the existing system whereby regional and island councils set the appropriate levels .
16 Brindley died in Staffordshire in 1772 , and although he did not live to see the realization of his dream , his was the unlettered genius that set the great age of canal-building in motion .
17 I set the lower limit to 50bpm and willed my resting pulse to go down till the bleeper sounded , by which time I was breathing deeply and totally relaxed .
18 The approach that involved marking individual plants or seedlings in the field , tracing the fate of individual leaves as they are pulled down earthworm burrows , the behaviour of tendrils as they touch a support , the fate of insects as they land on a Drosera leaf , or recording the number of seeds at the bottom of an earthworm burrow , represented a reductionist level of concentrated observation that contrasted with the geographical view of vegetation with which Warming and others set the early direction of plant ecology .
19 I was told : ‘ Set the right angle and then leave it , do not disturb it . ’
20 If you set the right standards and she knows that she ca n't fool you , you 'll be all right .
21 Against these dark greens set the brilliant stems of Cornus alba ‘ Sibirica ’ , the red-barked dogwood , or Rubus cockburnianus , the ornamental blackberry with its silver arching stems .
22 They agreed and set the following Monday , 27 February , as the test date .
23 The event that set the modern Pacific on its unrelenting climb towards world dominion happened , by an entirely appropriate coincidence , to be the first ever shown clear across America , on coast-to-coast television .
24 Set the bloody swords and sweating steed ;
25 I rolled the left-hand wheels back to seven-three-eight and with the latch closed again set the right-hand lock to one-three-seven .
26 Alesi 's had been the first leading car to stop during the race and the merit in changing tyres became clear when he immediately set the fastest lap of the race .
27 Robert averaged 104.87 for the four laps and set the fastest lap of the race at 105.86mph .
28 John Locke perhaps set the classic pattern .
29 And if he did make his bed and then come in extra early this morning , like as not he 'd have relocked the door and set the internal alarms . "
30 The latter and associated rubber air pipes caught alight and set the main avionics loom on fire .
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