Example sentences of "stood at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not yesterday , Peter thought grimly , as he stood at the kitchen table laying the tea tray with his mother 's china ; but certainly last week or the week before .
2 ‘ Did you call the police ? ’ he asked , as he stood at the kitchen door watching her brew Darjeeling .
3 She followed the old route , through the walled garden at The Tamarisks to the path that curled down the cliffs to the five-acre plateau on which the Villa stood at the centre of an arboretum .
4 Great numbers might drift through the drama , of course — thousands in fact — but they could only ever be phantoms , agents or , on rare occasions , reflections of the three real and self-willed beings who stood at the centre .
5 A year later another branch to Holt , ultimately Cromer , was completed and Melton stood at the centre of a minor railway junction .
6 He stood at the centre of the Sun Chamber , and a terrible hush fell .
7 The statue stood at the centre of the Hall of Celestial Destinies in Nantes spaceport , the huge , bronze figures raised high above the executive-class travellers who bustled like ants about its base .
8 King Edward of England sat in his purple silken pavilion which stood at the centre of his great camp on the green meadows beneath the formidable mass of Nottingham Castle .
9 By the way — ’ She opened her bag and drew out the incriminating tape , which she put down on the round antique table which stood at the centre of the hall .
10 She stood at the door and stared .
11 I stood at the door and looked up , but the windows were dark ; she had gone to bed .
12 Maria , who showed her in , was frightened and stood at the door shivering .
13 As the guests left in a state of alcoholic haze , two policemen stood at the door .
14 Evans got his blow in first as he stood at the door , ushered them into a large office overlooking the Kaiserstrasse .
15 He stood at the door of the bathroom , visualizing this most familiar of her rituals .
16 Myles edged in , hands twisting the brim of his hat , while the young priest stood at the door looking curiously on .
17 As he stood at the door trying to persuade her of the importance of other more pressing political issues , one of her cats shot out of the door , into the road and under the wheels of a passing lorry .
18 The minister stood at the door and shook the hand of each member of his congregation , with a kindly word for each boy and girl .
19 A woman stood at the door of the French window , half in the verandah .
20 When Tate took his leave , Eliot stood at the door of the drawingroom leaning on two canes ; Tate waved goodbye , and although he was not able to raise himself from the canes he smiled and made a movement with one hand .
21 The offenders 's accomplice stood at the door holding what appeared to be a shotgun .
22 Jim came back with some clothes over his arms and stood at the door , while Bella very slowly told Albert to come and be interviewed next week for a job as a public-relations officer in their department store .
23 She stood at the door , the Doctor 's name poised on her lips , but just before she called out , something made her hesitate .
24 Tony stood at the door .
25 For a moment she stood at the door , watching it , wondering whether to answer it or not .
26 Heathcliff and Hareton stood at the door , laughing , as I shouted at the dogs and tried to get up .
27 Jorge came in then and stood at the door .
28 Stretching and yawning , his daughter stood at the door of Dai Huang 's big house .
29 Oliver stood at the door of the room .
30 When Marjorie went back into her own garden , Emmie stood at the door and heard her say , ‘ Nick , it 's too ridiculous , they ca n't go on like this , that child 's worn out .
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