Example sentences of "stood for [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When Admiralty Lord , Sir Robert Rich , stood for Dunwich in 1695 , he arranged for three " men-of-war " to anchor off the small Suffolk port during the time of the election , to hold out the threat of the press-gang to any who voted against the Whig candidates .
2 Which one of the following never stood for Parliament as a Liberal : Ludovic Kennedy , Robin Day , Richard Dimbleby , John Arlott ?
3 Yonge first stood for Parliament at Newport , Cornwall , in 1678 , but soon turned to the family seat of Honiton , where he was the leading proprietor .
4 Twenty-four members of the New Party , including Mosley himself , stood for parliament in the general election of 1931 .
5 After Oliver Cromwell became lord protector , Bishop gradually turned over his duties to John Thurloe [ q.v. ] and retired to Bristol , where he unsuccessfully stood for Parliament in 1654 .
6 One of the founders so admired the puritan he stood for Parliament in 1968 under the banner of the John Hampden New Freedom Party .
7 In nineteen sixty six I stood for election of the national organizer and was successful and joined the head office in Glasgow in May nineteen sixty six .
8 In April 1688 he stood for election to the Camden chair of history , but was beaten by his High Church rival , Henry Dodwell [ q.v. ] , whose canvasser Proast was .
9 At the previous election I stood for election to a United Kingdom Parliament , as did the hon. Gentleman .
10 While we stood for election alongside the men , a decision taken in July by Labour MPs to bring more women into prominent positions in the party ensured that at least three women would be elected .
11 During the period of the first Opium war ( 1840–2 ) Jardine pursued banking and insurance in London , and successfully stood for election in 1841 as the Whig candidate for Ashburton ( Devon ) .
12 However , " culture " and art " were inherently undemocratic since they stood for processes of feeling , understanding , and evaluation that were considered to have become lost to majority cultures and literacies .
13 He was famous , people flocked to catch a glimpse of him , they stood for hours in the freezing cold in the hope that he would choose their hand to shake — for no better reason than an accident of birth .
14 She stood for hours behind him , seeing him sketch , then stop and change what he had drawn .
15 For instance , when he stood for re-election in 1965 , his campaign was run by the " Association Nationale Pour le Soutien de l'Action du Général de Gaulle " , not by the UNR .
16 When two Whigs and one Tory stood for Hampshire in 1705 , only 201 out of 3,517 freeholders voting split their votes ( 5.7 per cent ) , whilst 724 plumped for the single Tory candidate .
17 When elections were held in Maine to elect the state 's senators in 1978 , Hayes E Gahagan stood for office on a strong right-wing , no nonsense ticket : abortion , women 's rights and similarly liberal measures found little sympathy in his campaign .
18 Stood for sensitivity to the environmental , social , spiritual , and moral dimensions of health
19 He made three attempts to enter Parliament for Tewkesbury before succeeding in 1918 , when he stood for Stroud as a coalition candidate .
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