Example sentences of "happy [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For those who might be disturbed that the ambience of ‘ live ’ recordings is in appropriate for music of such delicacy , I 'm happy to report that audience noise is minimal .
2 I 'm happy to accept that amendment , and I would put the motion , as amended , to the vote .
3 Erm I noticed er with interest that in the Greater York context the County Council seem happy to offer this flexibility , that there they call it a bias towards opportunities for development which I 'm quite happy to accept that term if er if it er improves our position .
4 I think our survey showed it could be as high as fifty per hectare in fact , er but we did n't have a full response to the survey and er there 's nothing er in the results that would lead us to a conclusion that it should be lower or higher , so we 're quite happy to accept that assumption .
5 I shall be happy to visit that hospital .
6 No doubt Cosmopolitan 's young woman readers will be impressed by Beverley 's achievements and she is happy to fulfil that role .
7 E we largely are perfectly happy to leave that sir t to the panel , having considered the views on the very detailed comments on the criteria .
8 I 'm quite happy to do that take and and put on a six month 's trial if we do n't salaries through
9 I am happy to discount that possibility , together with many other stories which appear in the education press and which are represented as the Government 's view .
10 I am happy to welcome that investment , and I imagine that it owes much to the climate and environment that the Government have created and which might have been threatened by an alternative settlement at Maastricht such as the Opposition would have supported and implemented if they were ever elected .
11 gone back to his office , which is in Ipswich , I 'm quite happy to release that information to you , but at this point in time Chief
12 The snail genes are not happy to pay that cost , since their long-term future depends upon the snail reproducing .
13 I should be happy to add that training scheme to the many other excellent training schemes we have at present .
14 My hon. Friend the Minister for Public Transport has said that should he wish to have a meeting with him and a representative of BR , he would be happy to offer that opportunity .
15 I must say that I am happy to make that statement and in view of some of the things that have been , that have appeared in the media recently here 's a statement that needs to be made as for your your your ques , what the , the Chief Constable I welcome the statement and the actions of the Chief Constable on this very concerning issue .
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