Example sentences of "to help them [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , two of the three are offering a consultancy service to local authorities to help them to retain control of the service .
2 Others have hired government relations consultants to help them build communication links with the Government and Whitehall .
3 Whereas in the past voters had looked to parties and party workers to help them make sense of politics , this function was now largely given up to television news broadcasts .
4 Having won less than 20 per cent of the vote in the recent polls , the Socialists will have difficulty in finding partners within the National Assembly to help them pass legislation .
5 For those employees who may need some encouragement in the privacy of their home to help them stop smoking , Andrew has a video which is available on loan .
6 Some are resorting to alcohol or cigarettes to help them overcome work pressures .
7 This too is a good way of providing learners with extended exposure to the target language with the support of the subtitles to help them keep pace with the plot .
8 They will want to use their qualifications to shape their future , relying on the currency of these awards to help them gain access to more education/training , to support job applications or to underpin planned personal development .
9 Each of these principal officers will have a deputy ( e.g. vice-dean ) and a group of qualified staff specialists to help them administer college affairs .
10 In a constructive spirit , I certainly would wish to help them to find work and I am sure that the hon. Gentleman would too , if he will bring those individuals to our attention .
11 They hunt at night , and can not use light to help them find prey and avoid obstacles .
12 Job-seekers in East Cleveland will soon have a new service to help them find work .
13 To pick out just a few examples : grandparents treat their grandchildren in the same way whether they live in Aberdeen or London ; middle-class people use money to support their close relatives in similar ways whether they live in Swansea , Sheffield or London ; people use their kin network to help them find employment whether they live in Glasgow , Basildon or Corby .
14 Native peoples in Africa and South America have employed animal toxins to help them catch prey ; Kalahari bushmen anoint their hunting arrows with the squashed contents of beetle larvae to produce a slow-acting poison , and the Colombian Indians , as described , dip their blow-darts into the secretion of the poison arrow frog .
15 Further , an Army section actually helped the occupants of houses threatened with eviction to barricade their homes , and actually stayed with the family for a week to help them resist eviction if need arose .
16 We offer some therapies to help them regain confidence in themselves so they can express and release some of those tensions which are causing them to behave irrationally . ’
17 Within this there are three particular concerns : the practical reasoning employed by ordinary policemen and women to help them accomplish routine duties ; how they interact with various sections of the public , from ethnic minorities to road users ; and how they perceive various aspects of police work , including the area within which they function and its people , what comprises ‘ real ’ police work , and what constitutes ‘ good ’ or competent practice .
18 Japanese computer makers are turning to scientists overseas to help them develop software and applications for massively parallel supercomputers .
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