Example sentences of "to help with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So intently did Nietzsche interpret Schopenhauer 's " personal " relevance at this time , that he could locate the vital centre of the philosopher 's system in its therapeutic power to help with the practical crises of living .
2 For the busy housewife has also found time to help with the Romanian Convoyaid , sending special parcels to thousands of orphans .
3 The BTO , based at The Nunnery , Thetford , Norfolk , is appealing for more volunteers to help with the remaining two years of the research .
4 We girls were all preparing to nurse or become deaconesses in order to help with the pastoral life of the Church .
5 I have bought Practical PC since it first came out in an attempt to help with the strange world of computers and from reading it I think I might need a 286 or 386 PC — but how can I be sure and I still have n't the foggiest idea what most of the terminology means .
6 We were there on 3rd May 1945 when Rangoon was liberated , and that evening I gave a short broadcast over All-India Radio , telling our friends in India and Burma that we should shortly be back in the liberated city to help with the tremendous task of reconstruction .
7 I do however think I have been able to help with the emotional problems of the artists here , especially the big dilemma of whether to have kids or not .
8 The EEC does offer grants to academics for research on approved projects ; but so far it has been unable to help with the major problems of the academic researchers , such as shortage of jobs , lack of mobility of researchers and declining funds for research .
9 Whilst first aid remedies may be of use for each episode of acute illness , proper constitutional treatment and advice is likely to be more appropriate to help with the long term tendency to become unwell repeatedly .
10 There 's also a exhibition by the tactical communications wing which has sent three men to yugoslavia to help with the United Nations airlift of emergency aid .
11 How would you like to help with the younger children ? ’
12 Her soft hands were so unaccustomed to such hard work that it became — temporarily , Miss Mates said , until they hardened — difficult for her to help with the fine sewing , and the darning and repairing needed in the little house .
13 While volunteers could be relied upon to make life as comfortable for them as possible , there 's concern about whether the professional agencies are geared up to help with the deeper anxieties .
14 The Atomic Energy Authority is giving some of its protective equipment to the Ukraine to help with the continuing clean-up operation at Chernobyl .
15 In a special statement on Haiti the summit called on the European Communities to help with the strict enforcement of the OAS economic embargo imposed after the coup in September [ see p. 38430 ] until President Aristide was reinstated .
16 John and Claire are charming and welcoming hosts ( although John is really too busy on the farm to help with the day-to-day running of the house ) .
17 When Helen came in to help with the spaying operation she looked rather nervous .
18 Negotations are proceeding with a view to obtaining grant aid to help with the considerable setting up costs which will be involved and advice taken with regard to design and layout of exhibits .
19 The main point , though , was that Iran was now offering to help with the British hostages and seemed to be acknowledging that they were alive .
20 Auque 's news appeared to point to the fact that John was being held by an Iranian-backed group , and in March Hashemi Rafsanjani called a news conference in Tehran during which he repeated his request that Britain should help locate the missing Iranians in Beirut if it wanted Iran to help with the British hostages .
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