Example sentences of "to help [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Before the festival took place , 18 villages took part in workshops to help them identify the ways in which their dance , songs and drama could be used in raising the wider community 's understanding of the life of tribal and Dalit groups .
2 To help them identify the danger signs an information booklet will be made available and press ads will drum home the message .
3 It is justly ironic that the Government , which refused to control the industry and protect the environment , has also refused to help them conduct a price-fixing operation .
4 Perhaps surprisingly , the methods of modern-day actuarial statistics , where ‘ lifetables ’ are constructed on behalf of insurance companies to help them estimate the probable lifespans of various classes of individual , have come to our aid in this project .
5 If they go away with a positive decision against starting up a tourism enterprise , Sue feels she has been able to help them avoid an expensive mistake .
6 So often people become almost paralysed by the apparent enormity of the tasks to be undertaken , that the only way to give the necessary support is to help them to partialise the tasks .
7 Such messages could ( at a push ) be used by players to help them promote the value of the shares in that company in the interminable rounds of wheeling and dealing .
8 More and more people are turning to tablets to help them improve the quality of their sleep but , as you will see , there are simpler and more natural methods which are , at the same time , far more effective .
9 A group of woman so poor they are forced to scavenge coal dust from the sea are looking to Oxfam to help them to create a better life .
10 What support might be offered to schools to help them analyse the needs of pupils and develop programmes to meet those needs ?
11 The property has been stolen from Gloucestershire , Herefordshire , Worcestershire , perhaps Oxfordshire and the police want to trace the owners to help them build a pattern linking the burglaries .
12 " Is n't it to help them transport the rubber and coal and rice and all the things that they export from the colony ? "
13 They look to local authority housing and social services departments to help them achieve a basic human right .
14 Lisa Buckingham writes : Chemical companies have finally secured insurance to help them pay the costs of cleaning up the long term damage they do to the environment .
15 The couple , who own a private old people 's home elsewhere in the North-East , asked pensioners ' champion Rev William Harper to help them negotiate the sale .
16 Answer guide : To help them control the level of their expenditure , to assist in planning future levels of expenditure , to help them raise additional finance ( e g. mortgages , hire-purchase etc. ) , and to help them decide the best way to spend their money .
17 Answer guide : To help them control the level of their expenditure , to assist in planning future levels of expenditure , to help them raise additional finance ( e g. mortgages , hire-purchase etc. ) , and to help them decide the best way to spend their money .
18 They were seen for one further session during which it was possible to help them reach a suitable compromise .
19 Over the past two years Japan 's five largest city ( ie , national commercial ) banks raised ¥3 trillion ( $21 billion ) in total — to help them meet the new capital-adequacy requirements set under the auspices of the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) .
20 And the Indonesian , Malaysian and Singapore governments took steps to implement the planned levy on ships passing through the Strait to help them meet the costs of accidents and pollution [ see ED 56 ] .
21 We gave assistance , advice and training to help them meet the requirements .
22 SPACEWAY South directors Malcolm Jeary and Roy Martin are celebrating a move to new premises to help them meet an increasing order book .
23 Most at risk is Venice , California , on Los Angeles 's Pacific shore , where the Venice in Peril organisation welcomes visitors ' support to help them to save the many cultural treasures , some of them almost 50 years old .
24 Partly because cheap capital and a shot at some financial profits were just what exporters needed to help them deflect the blow of the strong yen after 1985 .
25 Shortly after the formation of Apple Films ( a subsidiary of the Beatles ' Apple Corps Ltd ) , Ringo and his associate Hilary Gerard had approached us to help them make a film about Arthurian legends and " Magical Britain " .
26 Our aim is to help them make the right purchase by giving them all the information they need .
27 And the council 's housing department is asking tenants thinking of moving on to help them make the most of the housing stock by giving early notice when they intend to leave .
28 If your senior executives have the information to help them answer the following questions they will be well equipped to make the right decisions .
29 Decision-makers need information to help them to reach a decision .
30 Shortly afterwards the rebels asked for US troops to help them to defend the routes to the military headquarters they had seized .
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