Example sentences of "look at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Except er I , I mean I 'd say that the income funds actually performed quite well , if you did n't look at the capital value .
2 And then we can go on and look at the passage , which brings together the words of the widow and Elisha and the actions of God .
3 Let me look at the map and see where we go to rejoin the main road to the auto-route .
4 ‘ Well , let's look at the map , ’ he said .
5 Similarly , we can look at the iconography of coins over a shorter period .
6 A committee may look at the rationale underlying a major aspect of policy , e.g. the investigation of the Treasury Committee into Monetary Policy .
7 Positive alright Red Dwarf let's look at the T V guide , starts what , what do we need , need to do it ?
8 In this chapter we shall look at ways of smoothing the edges off the jagged initial appearance of data plotted over time ; we shall look at the observations three at a time , taking seriously the spirit of this somewhat sarcastic remark , to get indications of the trend .
9 I did not look at the rest of it , deliberately .
10 It 's still better than buying another ticket now you 're here — I 'll cook supper — and tomorrow you can look at the rest of the Archive .
11 She would look at the rest later .
12 Erm , now we 've got quite a lot out of that opening , so let's look at the rest of the first stanza .
13 Well he he 's gon na look at the rest when he comes back .
14 An outline of the way field-workers gained entry to the communities , with particular reference to the thinking behind the method , may be found in 3.6 ; I shall look at the procedures in a little more detail here .
15 We 'll look , we 'll actually look at the processes of deep water formation tomorrow , so you 'll actually see how the waters are formed , but the reason why this is high is basically the act of A , low biological activity removing it and B , the fact that the source waters have not come from below , they 've come in horizontally from an area where they were formed which was very rich in oxygen .
16 And he will look at the plans for the oil refinery which he is destined to build on this land .
17 I did look at the plans , and a book on sled dog training , and promptly forgot the whole thing until reminded two or three weeks before the promised delivery date .
18 ‘ Well , now we 've survived another of your mini-disasters , ’ he continued , ‘ I thought that after dinner we 'd look at the plans ; it will save time tomorrow .
19 ‘ To do so they should look at the yield of the shares and the strength of the company 's management , ’ he said .
20 It will look at the motivations of different family members , and identify the ways families negotiate the division of business and household work .
21 Here we might look at the question why Gandhi should lay so much stress on the interrelation of Truth and ahi sā .
22 I think that we should look at the question .
23 ‘ In future , when more resources become available we can look at the question of diabetic specialists again , ’ promised Mrs Fox .
24 Porter argues that one should look at the areas of the value chain which contain the largest proportion of costs and then consider what cost-drivers of the ten he identifies cause those costs .
25 In particular I shall look at the attempts of recent years to unearth other , female ( or feminine ) imagery , present in the scriptures and in the Christian tradition .
26 YOU have a chance to alter the top line ( membership ) , if not you , as members , can look at the expenditure sheet and suggest where we start making cuts .
27 And then we as the form teacher sits why ca n't the kids look at the reports as well ?
28 We shall look at the differences between these theories in detail in Chapter 13 .
29 If I continue then with some introductory remarks erm on policy H one a and one A , perhaps that would set the scene er for the discussion , then Mr will very briefly erm look at the differences as he sees them between the two sets erm of projections .
30 ‘ Could we look at the night of the murder , last Thursday ? ’
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