Example sentences of "look at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Doctus have helped us look at every aspect of how we are running the business and have helped us develop ideas for saving money .
2 Fe look at de state of Equality
3 A resident of the North Shore will look at a wave and say , ‘ Bad weather they 've been having in Alaska ’ , or ‘ I see Siberia is in trouble again ’ .
4 Your employer may look at a variety of alternative sanctions .
5 Here , I shall look at a variety of drawing media , both ancient and modern .
6 We shall look at a fragment of spoken discourse , not in terms of how we would characterise the participants ' shared information , but in terms of a process in which each participant expresses a personal topic within the general topic framework of the conversation as a whole .
7 ‘ More people now appreciate that you ca n't look at a relationship and say , ‘ It has n't got a hope ’ .
8 But a cat may look at a queen .
9 A cat may look at a queen .
10 Ask most people the time of day and they 'll usually look at a watch or a clock .
11 Now you can see how easy it is with the numbers to make mistakes especially if you 're multiplying by tens or hundreds or thousands or looking at , trying to just look at a bit of it , oh that 's just , oh hang on is that seven or is that seventeen ?
12 ‘ Even I can look at a gauge and make out when it 's on the red ! ’
13 Often times when I was going into the country after orders and so on in the autumn , I 'd look at a field that had been freshly ploughed up after the harvest ; and I 'd think to myself how much like a piece of Doncaster Cord it was — colour , straight lines and everything . ’
14 We are talking major league performance here , even in 1990 ; in 1965 nothing road legal would even look at a Cobra in a straight line .
15 You must look at a film of him and do all you can to emulate his behaviour . ’
16 She could look at a row of colours for hours and never be bored .
17 Er , now , erm , Harlequins have complained to Bath , there 've been allegations er , during last weekend 's er Courage League match , which Bath won incidentally , of gouging and biting , er and Bath officials now have agreed that they will look at a video recording and take appropriate action , in quotes , if anything erm , needs to be done .
18 I mean , for a child to have to sit and look at a wall for twenty-four hours a day — it 's totally out of order , you know .
19 So that kind of thing made analysts think that they could go on more than just free associations , they could look at a person 's character , as it were .
20 He 'd look at a problem and come up with a totally different answer to the one you 'd expect …
21 As she looked at the vast and busy canvas , Miss Hatherby sensed she was finding it difficult to take in and said , ‘ You know Constance , you can not look at a painting with the same eyes as you stare down Chollerton High Street .
22 Paintings erm have the power to take you back in time , I can look at a painting and remember something that 's happened yesterday or years and years ago and as a small child , looking at this painting I remembered as a small child seeing for the first time erm the sea dipping into er , sorry the sun dipping into , into the sea and being horrified I was convinced that the heat of the sun would boil the oceans and the world dry and it reminded me for an awful lot of my childhood and I 'm sure if I 'd seen this painting years ago it would of persuaded me otherwise , erm this is called In A Days Work Satisfaction in a days work , chosen not given , eating the laxed food , face turned to steer a sun , making cloth into a gown and giving colour to the side of a boat
23 If the money was there , I think we should look at a link .
24 ‘ If the money was there I think we should look at a link . ’
25 And we 're gon na look at a passage in just a few moments in , it 's in the eighth chapter of acts where a group of people there , they were Samaritans how they came in to experience their pentecost .
26 The Mitry peasants ( like the proverbial cat ) could look at a king , and they spoke the same legal language of customary rights and fairness as Charles and his faithful men used in their capitularies .
27 ‘ A cat may look at a King
28 We can look at a couple of points :
29 With that Honourable he could approach a ready Miss D'Arcy who would not look at a tradesman , a craftsman , let alone a common man whatever his industry or honesty .
30 The consultation process usually takes the form of a letter describing the application and inviting you to come and look at a copy of the application and any drawings submitted with it .
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