Example sentences of "figures [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 THE SOUTH African government is to launch an AIDS education campaign in schools in response to alarming new figures about the spread of the disease .
2 Well , we get the usual sort of things you would expect , about fact and figures about the University itself .
3 Since both our link missionary families are in Brazil , here are a few facts and figures about the country .
4 This is followed by some more detailed facts and figures about the teaching profession , and a description of some of the professionals involved in further and higher education .
5 The following year " Deaf Discrimination " was chosen as target for BDA Week , which commenced with the publication of a " public information report " giving facts and figures about the extent and character of such discrimination .
6 It is true that a comparison of the generally accepted life-expectancy figures between the West and the Third World countries , or a comparison between ourselves and our grandparents ' generation , would show that modern Western man has a great advantage in average expectation of life .
7 The judge went on : ‘ The fact that there is a difference in the figures between the settlement in the book action and the jury in the pamphlet action will not surprise anyone familiar with all the circumstances .
8 Firstly , they must decide how many titles each library should stock on each subject , how to modify these figures as the type of use changes , and how to keep the stock in each subject relatively fresh and interesting .
9 The Institute has continued to highlight the effects of this recession on the construction industry — to the point of the Prime Minister being confronted with the RIBA Workload figures during the election campaign .
10 Otherwise there is a danger of losing or miscasting figures during the conversion process .
11 Comparative figures for the West Lancs. and Cheshire District , for instance , were 39% ( under 5,000 population ) and 36% ( over 20,000 ) .
12 Revenue figures for the winter will be interesting .
13 Erm and that I think , the response therefore to your position on financial figures for the contingency fund is if you sort the government out we might be able to .
14 It is impossible to have even approximate figures for the diaspora .
15 Granz had paid five figures for the painting in the early 1960s .
16 Figures for the proportion of the total population in the labour force are quite revealing .
17 The figures for the proportion of vacancies that are acceptable , men aged 55 and over have very low reservation wages ( especially in the second period ) and appear to accept almost any job .
18 Table 5.1. below gives some performance figures for the HWIM and RM1 lexical access components .
19 New audited circulation figures for the Telegraph show an increase of 3,118 copies daily , comparing 1992 to 1991 and won the Telegraph a major UK newspaper industry award .
20 I 'm not tying you to a specific month , but about January nineteen eighty five you would give the figures for the printing of the first brochure
21 According to casualty figures for the conflict in 1991 issued by Nagorny Karabakh 270 Armenians , 216 Azerbaijanis and 15 servicemen of various nationalities had died ; 400 Armenians , 180 Azerbaijanis and 34 servicemen had been wounded ; and 599 Armenians had been taken hostage , of whom 226 had not yet returned .
22 But there was some comfort in the figures for the Government and for an already hard-pressed pound , which could have faced another battering if the deficit had been worse than the expected £1.5billion .
23 To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what has been the change in the United Kingdom 's energy-intensity ratio since 1983 ; and what are the corresponding figures for the rest of the EC and with Japan .
24 The total figures for the rest of the county are n't yet known .
25 The comparable figures for the rest of the UK are 77 per cent and three per cent respectively .
26 The comparable figures for the rest of the UK are 78 per cent and three per cent respectively .
27 Figures for the year ended 31 March 1989 , due to be published at the end of the year , show an overall 8 per cent drop in the use of the ‘ green form ’ initial advice and assistance scheme , as compared with an overall increase the previous year of 10 per cent .
28 Arthur Andersen Worldwide has posted another impressive set of fee income figures for the year to 31 August 1992 .
29 The Panel said that industrial group Williams Holdings plc and Ultramar , the oil company since acquired by Lasmo , had both boosted earnings per share figures for the year ended 31 December 1990 .
30 While figures for the year showed an increase in real growth of 2.9 per cent , business investment was down 3 per cent , consumer spending down 0.1 per cent and the growth elements appeared only to be in home purchases and government spending .
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