Example sentences of "brought up in [art] " in BNC.

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1 But more : Margaret had been brought up in a household where true magic had been corrupted for profit and was therefore rightly feared as dangerous .
2 Perhaps I take a special pleasure in Cold Comfort Farm from the fact that I was myself brought up in a rural setting , surrounded by wild-eyed manic depressives of the Starkadder school , while I was reading the works of D.H.Lawrence and F.R.Leavis , whose loam-laden versions of country life did n't quite chime with mine .
3 The country is not as deserted as all that , as McLeish , brought up in a village in Leicestershire , well knew .
4 The chances are almost two-to-one that he was brought up in a fatherless household .
5 Mary was indeed brought up in a country far wealthier and more powerful than that which she was to rule .
6 When a girl whom I knew only as Meriel remarked , as we were washing up the cocoa-cups , that she was ‘ brought up in a bog ’ , and I commented naïvely that she had no trace of Irish accent , the unassuming daughter of the Earl of Meath merely smiled .
7 Grace had been brought up in a very religious household and she maintained strict standards for herself but , she says , ‘ was not allowed to check or discipline John in any way ’ .
8 If you start looking across the week 's or month 's programmes you 'll see the same issue being brought up in a number of different areas , and that 's what we 've got to start theoretically thinking about .
9 Success in education has come largely through a process of social indoctrination ; if the young person has been brought up in a supportive home which was valued education and encouraged the youngster to stick at the work in order to pass through the hoops which lead to higher education and the professional occupations , the young person has very often done well at school .
10 Younger people have been brought up in a different way from the way our parents and grandparents were .
11 The present writer , brought up in a house containing unattractive thrillers of the Sapper era , discovered among that unillustrated and unilluminating Hodder & Stoughton material a correspondence-course crammer , an outline of plane geometry .
12 It is noticeable that parents often react against their own experience so that , for example , if they were brought up in a too restrictive atmosphere with little spoiling , they may spoil and leave their children without enough boundaries and routine .
13 Despite describing a happy childhood , she told her therapist about how she had been brought up in a family where she felt unappreciated and undervalued .
14 Described as ‘ kind-hearted , yet … a lively and obstinate boy , , Tom was brought up in a prosperous house ( his father was a manager of a textile firm ) and was used to a well-stocked meal table .
15 In March 1939 the CRREC claimed that ‘ Not only are Jewish children with no particular religious affiliation being placed in non Jewish homes and schools , utterly abandoned as far as their religious education is concerned , but even children who have been brought up in a religious atmosphere … are being callously placed in non Jewish schools and homes , where they suffer mental torture which , in at least one case , has brought the child to the verge of a nervous breakdown . ’
16 Given soft water even Angelfish have a high success rate , and , if brought up in a planted tank and allowed to pair naturally , will often raise their broods .
17 ‘ But being brought up in a strictly Christian home , I 'm so disgusted with myself I feel I 've got to hide it and atone for it with ‘ good works ’ . ’
18 By the late 1980s , Ceauşescu was on course for creating a new type of humanity : people brought up in a squalid spiritual void , learning only outward conformity and inward cynicism .
19 A girl brought up in a convent with the whole town knowing her circumstances could not be expected to feel any warmth towards the people who lived in splendour over in Westlands .
20 She says she learned toughness after being brought up in a man 's world by her divorced father , Ryan O'Neal .
21 Book-oriented homes lead to book-oriented children : a child brought up in a home where reading is encouraged as a major activity is more likely to read voraciously from an early age .
22 You must have somebody , a young fellow like you ; you say you were n't brought up in a home .
23 I was brought up in a generation where there were only two kinds of girls — girls who did and girls who did n't .
24 This has a shuffling joss-sticky booga-booga spook beat and a strange haircut ; this is the record that Pop Will Eat Itself have been trying to make for the past 24 months , the grinning idiot love-child of Mr Desmond Drugmusic and Mrs Winnie Indiewhine brought up in a radical lesbian commune in Vancouver , Canada and fed on a diet of black pudding and Ecstasy .
25 Born in 1945 , Sutton was brought up in a Nissen hut , the son of a mechanic and a hairdresser .
26 Like the ‘ Mef if they 'd been brought up in a Yorkshire pit village instead of some jessified ‘ forest ’ , but with scurrilous standing in for the keyboards , ‘ V ’ are an untutored Stooges. that 's the Three Stooges , mind .
27 She 's just a chit , and a knowin' one at that , who 's been brought up in a different atmosphere .
28 In the case of Repton light-middleweight Leon Young , there was no encouraging influence at all as he was brought up in a Dr Barnardo 's home in Barkingside .
29 Similarly , Daley Thompson , the celebrated Essex Beagles decathlete , was brought up in a home where he was denied parental encouragement for his sport .
30 The high society platinum beauty brought up in a secluded hot-house may look a million dollars on the show stand , but is all too liable to fall flat on her face at the first pinprick of adversity and does not stand a chance unless she is cocooned in protective sprays .
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