Example sentences of "brought up [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Rents needed to be brought up to a realistic level , housing stock modernized , particularly in some of the rundown areas of Kennington , and surplus sold off , without souring relations with his tenants .
2 Now the squadron , brought up to a strength of six Fulmars , went aboard ‘ Formidable ’ to reinforce that vessel 's meagre fighter component .
3 ‘ are significant improvements in watercourses either because one has managed to get a discharger to cause his discharge to cease or to be brought up to a standard where a very significant polluting input has stopped , and there is a corresponding improvement in the overall river system .
4 This means that all people over pension age who are not in full-rime work have a statutory right to have their income brought up to a guaranteed weekly level .
5 Brought up at a time when military aircraft would have seemed a fantasy , he later became an expert on one of the most complicated of signal functions , air-land co-operation .
6 Brought up at a cultivated and tolerant court and doted on as an only child , she became a catch on the German dynastic marriage market .
7 A younger generation , or at least a younger American generation , has been brought up on a list of acid tests , invented to get rid of the boiled oatmeal consistency of the bad verse of 1900 , and there is no doubt that many young readers seeing Binyon 's inversions , etc. , will be likely to throw down the translation under the impression that it is incompetent .
8 It is Perhaps a pity that Mary Queen of Scots was not brought up on a diet of d'Ayala .
9 Most of them were professional or business men but a high proportion had been brought up on a croft .
10 Only in Orkney did this response receive a low rating which could be attributed to most of the people interviewed having been brought up on a farm and having the confidence that usually goes hand in hand with experience .
11 He 'd been brought up on a steady diet of blood , sweat and tears and Douglas Bader .
12 But she understood , because she had been brought up on a farm .
13 Tamar had been brought up on a tenanted farm and was sensitive to the diffidence felt when an approach to the landowner was necessary .
14 The 44-year-old director was born and brought up on a ranch in California , before attending military school and a spell in the Marines .
15 His writings were later able to save a model child , the philosopher John Stuart Mill , who had been brought up on a system of intensive reading and deprived of the ‘ culture of the feelings ’ .
16 In other words , if you are brought up on a diet of do 's , don'ts , should 's and shouldn'ts , you will be inclined to spend a lot of time and energy earning approval .
17 Brought up on a tough council estate in Liverpool , Rachel — half English and half Indian — never knew her parents and lived with her grandparents in Speke .
19 As I was brought up on a farm I 'm used to working with my hands and in all weathers .
20 Children brought up on a diet of TV and video are no longer as tractable and easy to control , as they once used to be , even in the younger classes of the junior school .
21 Brought up on a farm in Kenya , he had lived there until he was seventeen .
22 He 'd been brought up on a farm and had a way with horses , and his first job when he left school was working for a brewery breaking in the big black cobs they brought over wild from Ireland and put to use as cart-horses dragging the great heavy drays full of ale .
23 McIlvanney was born in 1934 , and was brought up on a public housing estate in Kilmarnock , Ayrshire , in what he himself calls ‘ a left-wing family ’ .
24 Thus the animal locates itself in space by use of environmental reference points ( this is of course more or less what a psychologically untutored lay person might have guessed would happen , but it was not what psychologists brought up on a diet of Skinner would have theorized ) .
25 Now I do n't know if you 've been brought up on a diet of men who jump in and out of bed with whatever women take their fancy , but if you have then I suggest you go find one of them to satiate your appetite .
26 The hay had been brought up on a wain in front of which two of the farm horses stood , blowing plumes of steamy breath .
27 Corbett then cleaned his boots , washed , changed his tunic and ravenously ate the bread and cheese brought up on a platter by an aged lay sister .
28 Even a computer-literate user brought up on a different type of mainframe may find the nested screens in CMS and the XEDIT editor offputting at first .
29 For testing purposes , Praxis ran Unix SVR4 through a C producer and generated an ANDF version which it brought up on an ICL plc DRS6000 box using its Sparc installer .
30 He had been brought up with a lot of fine furniture and had always been conscious of its value .
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