Example sentences of "brought up to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I wanted to say , as I believed , that the consul was an English person of good sense with a proper grasp of facts , but I was too well brought up to state unequivocally that all foreigners , including Nour , were superstitious and given to exaggeration and unnecessary alarms .
2 Garvin had been brought up to hunting and shooting , skills which in the opinion of the Consul-General exactly equipped a young man for a career in the Ministry of the Interior .
3 ‘ This is a battle for me but I 've been brought up to battle .
4 Following last night 's 2–0 defeat by the USA he said : ‘ This is a battle for me , but I 've been brought up to battle .
5 This set the new tone of the UK 's argument : everything possible was being done and therefore any breaches of European law should be disregarded while ‘ things were brought up to scratch ’ .
6 The clothes he wore , the cut of his hair , even the subtly elegant watch on his wrist , everything about him seemed to indicate a man who had been brought up to take wealth for granted .
7 It is reasonable to assume that the daughters , particularly the elder ones , of such families will have been brought up to share in household chores .
8 I seriously believe that she could be brought up to university standard in two or three years with the proper coaching . ’
9 I was brought up to work hard for my country .
10 I was brought up to work in the garden with my father ; we had to grow vegetables ourselves because money was tight .
11 Leucanthemella serotina is what I was brought up to call Chrysanthemum ulginosum , the so-called moon daisy of Hungary , where it is often found growing in damp places .
12 He had been brought up to call Mrs Naulls " Nanna " but had had more luck with her than with Dadda when he wanted to change this mode of address .
13 We were brought up to date — or as up to date as it was possible to be .
14 Romanticism was brought up to date in a different way by the Scottish painter Joan Eardley ( 1921–63 ) , whose paintings and drawings are at the Mercury Gallery , 26 Cork Street , London W1 ( until May 9 ) .
15 A new paperback edition brought up to date and published under the Trust 's own imprint , is published on 20 September ( £9.95 ) .
16 Increasing cultural complexities suggest that Lodge 's image of the crossroads might even be brought up to date — and given , appropriately , a faintly foreign flavour — by the possibility of post-imperial Britain becoming increasingly a sort of spaghetti junction , heterogeneous styles and registers meeting , intertwining , competing or coalescing .
17 During the Empire these conservative traditions were brought up to date by the adoption of hairstyles fashionable at court ; some individuals even imitated the physical characteristics of the imperial family .
18 Prisoners are brought up to date with new legislation that may affect them , such as housing and social security .
19 Unfortunately , ad hoc bibliographies date quickly and are not always brought up to date after initial publication .
20 The story has been brought up to date with a challenging final chapter by Professor Lance Lanyon , Principal of the College .
21 The renewed interest in alternative fuels and feedstocks has revived coal gasification and the old technology is rapidly being brought up to date .
22 Nothing came of this , and its first appearance , brought up to date , was as an appendix to my book A Treatise on the Novel ( 1947 ) .
23 The text has also been brought up to date where the rules have changed in recent years — for example , in relation to independent taxation .
24 We want rights of way to be legally defined , definitive maps brought up to date and any conflicts sorted out .
25 It is brought up to date each year , and includes virtually everybody over eighteen who is resident in a constituency .
26 It goes without saying that there should be an independent official investigation , inquiry , inquest — call it what you will — into the cause of an unnatural death ; but is it not time that ancient laws and practices were brought up to date to deal with modern circumstances ?
27 If a guest history card is kept it will brought up to date ( Fig. 3.35 ) .
28 " The curriculum has been completely revised and especially in English has been brought up to date .
29 Both syllabuses and examinations were being brought up to date , and he was in the forefront of the new developments .
30 In the present book , the subject is brought up to date and related to modern computer methods .
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