Example sentences of "brought [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 In Slow Motion , that clear-sighted optimism is brought to bear on the advances made in men 's individual attitudes and behaviour , as well as state regulation and definitions of gender positions and possibilities .
2 As far as I know computers have not yet been brought to bear on the Synoptic Problem which has been tossed around for a century .
3 If he does this then a sociological perspective has been brought to bear on the first idea and the researcher is ready to go on to the next step , which will be one of limiting his ideas to a feasible scheme of work .
4 The same acute musical intelligence is brought to bear on the rest of the performance : the second movement is a ‘ Dumka ’ which has often received rather heavy-handed treatment in the past .
5 It was also brought to bear on the disputes between the textile mill-owners and labourers in Ahmedabad , and involved a strike by the workers .
6 Listening to her talk about the make of corset she wore and the neckline shape that best suited her , speaking on these matters with the kind of solemnity they would only have brought to bear on the country 's economic situation or the future of the United Nations , they regarded her with the polite incomprehension with which they would have looked at a Martian .
7 In thanking the groups , Hasan Kaker said : ‘ The continuous pressure which you and other human rights organizations brought to bear on the Kabul government ultimately resulted in my release …
8 Finally , in October 1119 , the pope had taken the decisive step of consecrating the archbishop of York himself , without any reference to Canterbury 's claim , and it was at last clear that unless some quite new influence could be brought to bear on the question , the primatial position of Canterbury as an active instrument of organization was finished .
9 Sub-texts such as censorship , propaganda , patronage of book and manuscript production and the Vatican as publishers are brought to bear on the choice of objects .
10 With the change of government in 1868 , and the new regime 's consolidation of its hold on power , attention was again brought to bear on the issue .
11 The same sort of alternative explanations can also be brought to bear on the variation in educational attainment that is associated with social class , in so far as this is attributable to educational attainment .
12 This suggests a very high degree of similarity in the mental structure that is brought to bear on the input by language learners and in the strategies that they employ in constructing and progressively modifying their internal grammar .
13 The same logic can be brought to bear on the cases in which individuals co-operate .
14 This deep-rooted process of change can now be brought to bear on the ‘ official ’ health system as the signing of the peace agreements between the government and the FMLN has ushered in a period of more open political struggle and has created new political spaces .
15 2 The kick is applied , and at the same time , weight is brought to bear on the attacker 's trapped arm , pushing him down .
16 During 1976 some 200 were sold in this way and pressure was being brought to bear on the company founders to manufacture the completed product .
17 Those early years were a period of tremendous activity , much of it a pioneering nature , in which the most advanced skills in physics , chemistry , metallurgy and all aspects of engineering were brought to bear on the primary mission — the development of nuclear power for military and civil use .
18 Dr O'Reilly has exceptional marketing experience and talents which when brought to bear on the solid foundations of these businesses should help create a new level of profitability . ’
19 This could occur if the plaintiff was asked to do a job beyond his competence , the equipment was not easily accessible , or pressure was brought to bear on the plaintiff not to use the equipment .
20 All turns on how the " essence " is seen , and the kind of assumptions brought to bear on the endeavour .
21 Increasingly the CCT process is being brought to bear on the ‘ white collar ’ parts of the life of a local authority — areas like finance , architects , legal departments and IT services etc .
22 And finally , some concluding remarks are offered on the ways in which additional linguistic frameworks may be brought to bear on the same linguistic data .
23 I wonder if he could describe to us what influence that has been brought to bear on the the overall calculation ?
24 Meanwhile , the Grayson expertise is also being brought to bear on the chattering teeth and highly strung ways of Holly , part Jack Russell companion of Joan Mason of Durham .
25 Every available battery was brought to bear on the French guns , but many of these had taken up position behind the parapets of the forts clustered on the Bois Bourrus ridge and were consequently most difficult to hit .
26 Some pressure will have to be brought to bar on the appropriate authority .
27 Carmen Callil said : ‘ I 've been working with Frances Coady since 1986 , when she joined Jonathan Cape , and one of the greatest pleasures of my working life has been to observe the publishing genius she has brought to beat on the creation of Vintage .
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