Example sentences of "united [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 United States v. Tobias ( 1981 ) 662 F.2d 381
2 United States v. Field ( 1951 ) 193 F.2d 92
3 Mr. Tugendhat , for the plaintiffs , cited in support Green v. Weaver ( 1827 ) 1 Sim. 404 and United States v. Field ( 1951 ) 193 F.2d 92 and referred to two observations of Templeman L.J .
4 In the case of United States v. Williams the Court decided that federal prosecutors were permitted to withhold exculpatory evidence — material favourable to the defendant — from a grand jury .
5 United States v. Johnson ( 1966 ) 383 U.S. 169
6 United States v. George ( 1965 ) 239 F.Supp. 752
7 Although FDI had been substantial from the beginning of the twentieth century , it really took off in the 1950s , as a result of the flow of funds from the United States into Europe aher the Second World War .
8 The move brings the United States into line with the European Community , which acted alone in recognising Croatia and Slovenia in January .
9 The other book was Must England Lose India ? ( 1930 ) by Lt. Col. Arthur Osburn , a retired Indian army doctor and member of the Labour party , who hoped one day to see a ‘ United States of India ’ dwelling ‘ contented within the orbit of the British Commonwealth ’ , a hope which Kennedy regarded as absurd .
10 After 300 years of Portuguese rule , Brazil declared herself independent on the 7th September 1822 , with her own monarch , the Portuguese Prince Regent , Dom Pedroh I. In 1899 , a year after the abolition of slavery in Brazil , a further step was taken to form a federal republic , the United States of Brazil .
11 Bull had been convicted in 1980 in the United States of arms smuggling , but the SRC denied any involvement in illegal arms trade .
12 De Valera was continuing the now dominant culture recognized by Eoin MacNeill and Douglas Hyde when , in his St Patrick 's Day address to the United States of America , broadcast in 1935 , he underlined the spirit of that preamble : ‘ Since the coming of St. Patrick , fifteen hundred years ago , Ireland has been a Christian and a Catholic nation .
13 But the geographical differences pale when they are compared to the deep threefold divisions which rend the city itself : of language ( four-fifths of the population speak French , only one fifth English and the smaller languages ) ; of culture ( the French-speaking part naturally looks to France and French literature for its mores , while the English-speaking part relies on the attachment to the Commonwealth and its close neighbour , the United States of America ) ; and of religion ( for the gulfs here are wider than the Atlantic as the former protestant cross-sectioning of Episcopalianism/Presbyterianism meets the Roman Catholicism of the French , and both meet the surging secularism and agnosticism of our day ) .
14 It is also now widely practised in Sweden ( see Knutsson and Partanen 1986 ) , Camada , New Zealand , and the United States of America ( Trojanowicz and Harden 1985 ) .
15 Mr Jack Price , National President of the Air Force Association of the United States of America then addressed Conference , extending his Association 's fraternal greetings to the Association in Conference and presenting an inscribed plaque to the Chairman .
16 Eight NATO countries contribute to the AMF(L) : Belgium , Canada , West Germany , Italy , Luxemburg , the Netherlands , the United Kingdom , and the United States of America .
17 Everywhere one looked there were unaccustomed trophies on display and , when the visiting Ryder Cup team arrived at The Belfry in the last few moments of the decade , they were greeted by the sight of the Ryder , Curtis and Walker Cups , knowing that the last name on them was not that of the United States of America .
18 George Washington , former subject of George III , ran twice unopposed for the presidency of the United States of America .
19 The substitution of citizenship for domicile in cases like that mentioned , after the manner of the law of some foreign countries , even if desirable on general grounds , would not solve the questions which arise when the laws of different parts of the same national territory , e.g. of England and Scotland , or of two states of the United States of America , come into competition .
20 On 11 December 1941 , Germany declared war on the United States of America .
21 The whole contra operation was ‘ for God and Country , ’ , Owen said North told him in the beginning ; at its end , it had all still been done ‘ in the best interests of the United States of America ’ .
22 Nicky was born on the small island of Puerto Rico close to the United States of America .
23 The United States of America was born .
24 George Washington was elected , in 1788 , as the first President of the United States of America , and in that same year , Bonnie Prince Charles , the Pretender , died .
25 Ireland , which had been ruled by England for nearly seven centuries , had remained largely Roman Catholic — despite considerable immigration from Scotland and England to Ulster , in the seventeenth century — had harboured bitterness as long ago as Queen Elizabeth I 's time and , in 1845 , a great period of famine occurred , resulting in wholesale emigration , mainly to the United States of America , generally in ships with appalling travelling facilities and causing appreciable loss of life to the passengers on the way .
26 The influence of Britain as a nation was probably approaching its peak at about this time ; the British possessions were worldwide ; the British Empire was acclaimed universally ; Queen Victoria was declared Empress of India , and the armed force — particularly the Royal Navy — was much respected , although British Imperialism was distrusted by some , such as the United States of America .
27 the existence of coal , iron ore and a large population assisted the economies , but that large population meant that it was necessary to import from overseas quantities of food at an ever increasing cost , particularly as Europe suffered a succession of bad harvests , at that time , and that led to emigration overseas , mainly to the United States of America .
28 Zeppelin airships had been developed before the outbreak of war and , in 1915 , the enemy used them to carry out bombing raids on London ; also the German submarine ‘ U ’ boats sank a civilian ocean liner , named the Lusitania with the loss of 1,198 lives , including many citizens of the United States of America .
29 Peace with Russia enabled the German forces to concentrate on the western front before the troops arriving from the United States of America could be fully deployed , so in the spring of 1918 , a massive Germany attack was launched and their troops came within fifty miles of Paris before being halted .
30 In Cilicia , a massacre of 7,000 Armenians and Turks , took place in 1920 and in the United States of America the ‘ Prohibition ’ of the sale of alcoholic drinks , came into effect .
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