Example sentences of "generally [vb pp] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And in the reviews of the Section d'Or and the progressive Salons of 1912 , there are indications that the works of Kupka , Picabia and Marcel Duchamp were generally recognized as having gone in some way beyond those of the original Cubists in daring and novelty .
2 Before we review Grice 's suggestions it would be as well to make clear that the other major theory associated with Grice , namely his theory of meaning-nn discussed above in Chapter I , is not generally treated as having any connection with his theory of implicature ( cf.
3 Well Loaded Much talked-about guitar rockers , generally regarded as destined for the bigger stadia of life , unless they self-destruct en route .
4 For example , documentation standards in the market have been criticised , and are generally regarded as falling well behind standards in the US CP and ECP markets .
5 Described by Economy Minister Zelia Cardoso de Mello as a " deepening " of the government 's economic policies , the announcement of the plan , issued by presidential decree on Jan. 31 , was generally regarded as marking the failure of the anti-inflation measures introduced in March 1990 by President Fernando Collor de Mello [ see pp. 37312-13 ] and it was opposed by businessmen , bankers and trade union leaders alike .
6 Iraq was for some years generally regarded as possessing air superiority , although this was not translated into any particular battlefield advantage .
7 It may take drastic discontinuities , of the kind described above , to highlight the fact that the environment over a period must be taken into account before one can attempt to predict the course of personality development , yet children reared under normal home circumstances are generally regarded as remaining under such constant environmental conditions that this consideration does not hold .
8 Neanderthals possessed bigger brains than we do ; the Cro-Magnons , generally regarded as having wiped out the Neanderthal precursors , were similarly large-brained .
9 ( Like tragedy , its " sublime " sister art , the " Old " ( Aristophanic ) Comedy of classical Athens is generally regarded as having originated in the worship of Dionysus .
10 It has won greater favour in the US than in Britain where it is generally regarded as conceding too much to a particular , and somewhat incoherent , philosophical system .
11 In principle Contact users had access to a wide range of structured ‘ rehabilitative ’ activities generally regarded as heightening independence and self-help .
12 It is often represented in rugs as a cloud with a short tail , and is generally accepted as symbolizing a wish , or the hope that a wish be fulfilled .
13 And yet , the astonishing fact is that the H.T. that we know and take for granted today is not much more than a hundred years old , generally accepted as having originated in 1867 with the variety called ‘ La France ’ .
14 Central Asia is acknowledge by most authorities as the most likely birthplace of the oriental rug , and the Turkoman nomads , who have inhabited the region for millennia , are generally accepted as having inherited the oldest pile-weaving tradition still in existence .
15 That is to say , your study will provide you with the knowledge that is generally accepted as making up the subject .
16 The move was generally seen as intended to draw centrist voters away from the conservative parties in the 1993 elections .
17 Locate in Scotland , the agency charged with luring foreign multinationals to set up in Scotland , is generally seen as competing with the Welsh Development Agency and the Irish Development Authority to secure these coveted new tenants .
18 By and large , these new firms are : ‘ overwhelmingly British-owned , single , independent establishments of relatively small size ’ , in which employee relations are generally seen as involving good informal communications and flexible working practices ( quoted in the Financial Times , 20 February 1987 ) .
19 Fundamental to British education is the aim to help all children achieve their full potential , and this is generally seen as involving building on the strengths children bring with them to schools .
20 So notions and functions are generally seen as replacing linguistic structures as units of content , and a notional/functional ( and therefore communicative ) orientation is seen to be incompatible with a concern for grammatical structure and meanings intrinsic in form .
21 appeared to have little interest in the sort of discussion groups generally seen as furthering mutual support and understanding …
22 Many of the fossils are generally interpreted as coelenterates , and some segmented forms as arthropods , annelids or other triploblasts .
23 The magnitude of the NLD 's victory placed into question the validity of the SLORC 's stricture that the sole purpose of the election was to establish a Constituent Assembly without legislative power , whose task would be to draw up a new constitution before power could be handed over to a " strong " government , generally interpreted as meaning one acceptable to the military .
24 This statement was generally interpreted as meaning that only military action could save the Yugoslav federation .
25 Levels I and II are generally interpreted as follows :
26 Some four hundred medicinal plants ‘ hardy enough to bear the open air ’ are listed and for those found in the fields , ‘ generally termed as Weeds ’ , typical habitat is given to assist those ‘ inclinable to cultivate them ’ .
27 That film is generally taken as marking a shift in Ealing 's focus from the sources of energy to the forces of repression .
28 His acceptance speech , made on the following evening , was well delivered but generally perceived as lacking in detail .
29 This maxim is generally quoted as explaining certain implications which may arise from the fact that , or the circumstances under which , an owner of land grants or demises part of it , retaining the remainder in his own hands .
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