Example sentences of "generally [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The MMPA generally prohibits the killing of marine mammals in US waters , but contains an important exception — the Secretary of Commerce can authorise the accidental drowning of marine mammals in commercial fishing operations .
2 We should constantly be aware that when most people use the term ‘ mixed race ’ they do not mean a child of Indian and African parents , nor a Chinese and a person of African descent , they generally mean the child of a white person and any other person who is not white .
3 Anatolian rugs were first brought into Europe by Italian merchants during the late Middle Ages , and although they generally lacked the intricacy and sophistication of their Persian counterparts , they nevertheless had a profound effect on Western decorative tastes , and for centuries all oriental rugs were known as Turkey rugs .
4 It was the same sort of hysteria after the Hungerford massacre which persuaded a weak and inexperienced Home Secretary to give the police unfettered discretion to bully , terrorise and generally make a nuisance of themselves among law-abiding sportsmen .
5 These organize the workers into teams , get the contracts , control the funds — and generally make a packet .
6 These particles , this particular matter is generally given the sort of generic term seston some of those particles are mineral particles some of them are colloidal aggregates as the iron tends , iron , iron , ions tend to come together to form colloids in solution and some of them are particles of biological origin .
7 My life is very full with my studies at Sheffield University , my athletic career and generally enjoying the student social life .
8 A change in a single enzyme will generally influence a multitude of substrate proteins and lipids .
9 The latter is a good example of his more extended type of cantata with fewer but longer sections than Rossi 's : The opening of the duet will also illustrate one of Carissimi 's most striking characteristics , his genuine sense of key : The slow , uncertain supersession of mode by key had not yet generally revealed the possibilities of tonality for variety and dynamic structure ; composers still treated a key very much as a mode , a tonal area within which they could move and from which they wandered uncertainly , and which helped to give unity to a composition .
10 My parents and I generally got a lift home in a cart , leaving some of the other guests still in deep discussion and the small children asleep on their mothers ' laps .
11 The trick is generally to slide the board to one side and then lift .
12 Apart from the Head Chef , who is 53 , opposition has come mainly from the Accommodation Manager , who is unqualified but very experienced : he believes that the old ways are the best ways and has generally received the support of his department heads , who owe their positions to him .
13 It was probably for this reason that the parish registers were not fully established until the reign of Elizabeth I , the fear of taxation and also that the clergy of this period had a dislike of statistics and generally met the injunction by a policy of passive resistance .
14 Population-based planning relating to identifying the needs of a population and ensuring these needs are met — generally to promote the health of a defined population — will be the province of Regional and District Health Authorities .
15 A country with a high inflation rate relative to competitors will generally experience a depreciation in the future external value of its currency .
16 Hairdressers have generally undertaken an apprenticeship ; however , some colleges have places for mature students and there is nothing to stop you working from home .
17 The wording of the statement indicated a compromise between the US position , which had urged a stronger NATO commitment involving not only peacekeeping but also peacemaking ( through , for instance , the deployment of ground troops to stop fighting in conflict areas ) , and on the other the French position , generally opposing an enhancement of NATO 's role .
18 Old age generally involves the loss of two crucial social roles , highly regarded by dominant social values , and it is essentially the loss of these valued roles which associates increasing age with diminished social status and prestige , and with disengagement .
19 An alternative is reverse osmosis , but that also generally demineralises the water which is not always a very good idea — especially for Rifts .
20 An alliance of manufacturers ' representatives , the BFICC , according to Pugh , aims to formulate UK market requirements for submission to national and international standards meetings and generally to monitor the UK facsimile market and provide industry liaison with the Department of Trade and Industry .
21 Labour MP Tam Dalyell yesterday said : ‘ The fact that these allegations are made in a book generally praising the conduct of British troops only adds to their seriousness .
22 ( Raising the pitch of a phrase creates heightened interest ; lowering it generally causes a fall-off in intensity and a decline in interest . )
23 What generally causes the driver to ‘ wake up ’ ?
24 Academics generally occupy a place in the social division of labour in which the development of knowledge in propositional forms , in a contemplative relationship to the world , has unusual primacy .
25 Subalpine soils generally occupy the elevation range 300 to 600 metres in the orohemiarctic climate zone of Birse ( 1971 ) .
26 If you go by car then you should check on the availability of car parking , as nurses are not generally considered a priority in this respect .
27 Although this is generally considered a thing of the past , there has been a revival in the popularity of the solidly built , veneered Thirties suite with its square lines .
28 Liberals generally considered the Manifesto less than satisfactory but sufficient grounds for a return to normality .
29 Damages in libel cases are intended generally to compensate the plaintiff for loss of face , and specifically for any loss of work or earnings which can be proved to have been suffered as a result of the libel .
30 Mothers generally found the group useful .
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