Example sentences of "parts of the same " in BNC.

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1 The substitution of citizenship for domicile in cases like that mentioned , after the manner of the law of some foreign countries , even if desirable on general grounds , would not solve the questions which arise when the laws of different parts of the same national territory , e.g. of England and Scotland , or of two states of the United States of America , come into competition .
2 A single eruption may not only last for months , but it may also consist of a series of separate , different phases , and in many cases different things may be going on on different parts of the same volcano at the same time .
3 A second consequence of Alan Linton 's biblical approach is that any one of his diseases and other topics is likely to crop up in several different parts of the same book .
4 There is also a wide , wide disparity in the paper qualifications of teachers between different parts of the same country or between urban and rural areas .
5 What lends the work a more than merely programmatic cohesion is , I think , the extreme sensitivity of Mason 's ear for harmony : the strangest agglomerations of texture have a vertical consistency in terms of pitch that identify them all as integral parts of the same piece .
6 While they acknowledge that the data on their first two questions , as to whether sign languages are understood by foreigners , were mostly self-reports , they conclude that signs used in foreign countries , or even in different parts of the same country , are largely unintelligible in connected discourse .
7 They are used to indicate the spatial location and separation of events which are integral parts of the same process .
8 The reliability of a test is measured by correlation between the test scores , obtained at two different times , between different forms of the same test or between samples of questions in different parts of the same test .
9 We do not know whether most of what we have observed in this field can be generalized to other fields or , indeed , to less intensively studied parts of the same field .
10 Currently , one of the rather loosely applied definitive differences between plant and animal life is that plants can be propagated in either of two ways , sexually by means of seed , which involves male and female contributions from different plants or from different parts of the same plant , or asexually ( vegetatively ) by means of cutting and layering , which is analogous to cutting off an arm or a leg and growing an entirely new individual from such a part into a whole new body .
11 But while some things in one document may be manifestly weighty , other parts of the same document appear platitudinous , verbose or banal , a stringing together of old-fashioned cliches gilded with a little rhetoric drawn from the often superficial optimism of the early 1960s .
12 They explain different things , or different parts of the same thing , and can thus coexist without creating deep conflicts in those who employ them with admirable discrimination and precision .
13 None of these five constituencies is itself anything like an authentic community , and the notion that the two County constituencies could be thought of as parts of the same community as the three City constituencies is laughable .
14 As it was difficult to know if one artefact or site was earlier or later than another , there was rarely any way of even estimating the time that had elapsed between the occupation of different sites , or parts of the same site .
15 First , differing parts of the same premises may be covered by different ‘ occupiers ’ who have control over them , and secondly , certain parts may be jointly occupied .
16 The references can be to other parts of the same book , to another textbook or to your own Shelfold notes ( see chapter 4 ) .
17 Much of this income is from the surrounding region or other parts of the same country .
18 It is normally defined as the intra-urban movement of population from the inner to the outer parts of the same urban region , but in more recent years it has become inextricably bound up with the patterns of inter-urban redistribution associated with the urban-rural shift .
19 where grievous excess of physical suffering is bred , large parts of the same soil yield , side by side with it , evils of another kind … in some of the regions of insanitary influence , civilization and morals suffer almost equally with health … education … is little likely to penetrate , unless with amended sanitary law , nor human life to be morally raised while physically it is so degraded and squandered .
20 There is a need for some form of rapid internal signalling system so that the activities of cells in different parts of the same creature can be coordinated .
21 Developing this theme further , Regan ( 1977 , p. 34 ) shows that there can also be markedly different outlooks in different parts of the same government department — for example , the ‘ DES is not as promotional in the youth service as in primary education ’ .
22 The notation for any given geographical division varies between classes and between different parts of the same class .
23 For example , the new system relies on more machines for the making of different parts of the same hamburger .
24 The transnational corporation enters the scene when sellers , intermediaries and buyers are parts of the same global organization .
25 The rapid rise of copper mining in eighteenth-century Cornwall certainly expanded the population of the western parishes , but at the expense of the non-mining parishes in the eastern parts of the same county .
26 Conglomerates can find themselves faced with contentious negotiations involving clients of different parts of the same institution .
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