Example sentences of "ones that [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our unconscious plans are often the ones that come to fruition .
2 Sponge filters are the ones that come to mind , but these work on the biological action and have to be allowed to mature before they become really effective .
3 The really insidious and mischievous phrases are the well-established ones that come to mind unbidden because we have heard them so often .
4 In you review of the 486SX machines you state that ‘ once again it was set up to use the MS DOS device drivers ( HIMEM , MOUSE and SMARTDrive ) , although the ones that come with Windows 3.1 are much better ’ .
5 Yeah , so you see the few selected ones that come from other schools and you instantly assume that their school must be much more er much better looking than ours .
6 the ones that shine in the dark when you 're
7 As so often , it is the monstrous ones that stick in the mind : two gross , splayed pairs of legs about to join the rest of the body they belong to in the maw of two amiable-looking man-eaters ( reminiscent of Oloron ) ; two horribly bent captives , their feet tied by a cord and their heads looking as if they are propped upright on sticks — strange motifs , yet motifs all the same , because they are not unique to Lescar .
8 Here are a few words to start you off : underline the ones that apply to you :
9 Frightening thoughts , but ones that serve as sobering reminders of the need to protect your loved ones with life insurance .
10 Is it mostly younger ones that go to that ,
11 Well you 're the ones that go to playschool I do n't
12 Th the only ones are ed educated are the ones that go from rugby union to rugby league .
13 This means that gluons for some reason produce jets that are more spread out than the ones that originate from quarks .
14 I mean , you can get ones that look like I just wonder whether you can get ones that look like sort of parquet floors almost ?
15 Look at the hand-in dates and do the ones that have to be handed in first , not the ones you feel are most interesting .
16 I think there 's a pride that , that the majority of firemen are , are fairly clean and smart erm there are the odd ones that have to be told but it 's not the same sort of discipline now as there was , and I 'm not sure whether it 's right or wrong , all I see I , I enjoy the discipline when I had it , I sometimes wish it was brought back but er it 's not the time now it seems for that type of discipline , so I think they manage well but er I would like to see a little more but perhaps I 'm a bit old fashioned .
17 Incorporated in this revolt was both the resurrection of classical principles and the development of new ones that appear to be incompatible .
18 This means that policy implementation may require bargaining and dealing between agencies , and that therefore considerations may be brought into the inter-policy relationship that are very much wider than the ones that appear to be at stake .
19 The data has been collated from past What Personal Computer reviews and each entry in the data file includes details from the actual review and a reference so you can read all about the ones that appear on your shortlist .
20 These cells , often called ‘ prehaustorial cells ’ , are the ones that press against the host , and possibly soften its surface .
21 It is the ones that happen to be durable that exist as rocks .
22 Their wings are the long and narrow ones that belong to the born gliders .
23 Urgh they 're the ones that smell like bad fish !
24 And are changes at these particular sensory-motor synapses the only ones that occur during short- or long-term learning ?
25 But what about the majority of chimpanzees — the ones that live in the dense , dark forests of West and Central Africa ?
26 These particular residents , the ones that live in the service road , are campaigning for the service road to be closed but not surprisingly the residents who live are n't keen on that er road closure because that would affect their use that route at other times other than the morning peak .
27 The man nipped out his cigarette , pushed the stub into his breast pocket ; then peering at her closely , he said , ‘ There are a number of Feltons , but you say the ones that work on the quay .
28 Just remember the ones that start with a K.
29 And so that you keep on top of it so you know that you 've got all the ones that start with K.
30 The main ones that seem to be needed are :
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