Example sentences of "teachers who [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We discussed in Report 11 the way this can be taken to excess by those teachers who couch the majority of their utterances in the form of questions , even when statements or instructions are more appropriate , and how such questioning can then become further debased by being low-level or closed .
2 Teacher users , as termed in this taxonomy , are the teachers who use the teaching unit when it is already well through its initial development stages .
3 Coursebook authors and the teachers who use the fruits of their efforts are all individuals — they differ in age , experience , personality , their views on life , language priorities and so on .
4 Like , you get teachers who join the police ; they 're not good policemen to me , they do n't eat and think like policemen .
5 While Bantock , Holbrook , Inglis and those English teachers who support the ‘ élitists ’ , recommend the employment of stimuli drawn exclusively from the music , painting and literature of high art , and make it clear that they view creativity partly as a way back into appreciation , a radical teacher like Searle rejects this culture completely .
6 It was the school itself , and the hope of seeing again that handful of teachers who make a difference in anybody 's life .
7 Teachers who see the scheme as useful in producing proposals for changes were again significantly positive in their attitudes whereas those not doing so were negative .
8 groups and a number of London based teachers who want a more honest appraisal of drama education as a political tool .
9 Such support may be available for groups of teachers who share a common predicament — such as women , ethnic minority teachers , new teachers or headteachers .
10 You 've got , again , a much more stable population , there are n't nearly so many teachers , young women teachers who leave the system to get married and then perhaps do n't go back at all , or only go back on a part-time basis .
11 Teachers who recall the booklet well are more positive about its general utility than those who do not ; teachers reporting actual changes following its use are also more positive in their attitude than those who do not .
12 What other calling would employ teachers who have no professional experience of the subjects which they teach ?
13 What other calling would employ teachers who have no professional experience of the subjects they teach ?
14 The point is , if genital mutilation can not be discussed by white social workers , health workers and teachers who have no knowledge of mutilation , how will they know how to handle it ?
15 Teachers who have a severely handicapped pupil in an ordinary class can be greatly helped by a teacher 's aid , especially in first-school work and in those areas of the curriculum in the secondary school that involve practical processes such as science and geography .
16 In both cases it is again the least experienced , lower status teachers who have the most positive attitudes .
17 Teachers who have an enthusiasm and enjoyment for spoken and written language , and a care for it , have pupils who are likely to be good spellers .
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