Example sentences of "along a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Past customers have included Henry Miller and T. S. Eliot , and , if you 're lucky , you 'll find yourself squeezing along a dusty aisle of used books alongside John Updike , a regular client .
2 Ronni detached her gaze from his in an effort to hold on to at least some of her displeasure and paused to glance curiously about her as the car sped along a dusty highway through a bright summer vista of parched scrubby fields .
3 He turned a corner into a wide road edged with large detached houses , then drove along a broad lane , at the end of which was a wide circular drive , and at the top an imposing Georgian house .
4 They were walking along a broad corridor between glass-partitioned offices , lit by bleak fluorescent strip lighting , where sallow-faced men in shirt-sleeves stared at computer terminals or pored over sheets of printout .
5 Brandishing a bolt gun in one hand and a power sword in the other , the burly Inquisitor strode along a broad boulevard , glaring to right and left .
6 Gallons of intoxicating percussion guided rhythms fuel ‘ Pot Of Gold ’ like a train rampaging along an empty track as it goes for an energetic jog in the shadows , pacing along a tireless circuit .
7 This was the business end of her trip but before she started she wandered along a crowded beach , taking photographs of the sands , waterskiers and windsurfers , the tree-lined promenade and the backdrop of mountains beyond .
8 Visiting Stanley village , we walked along a crowded street of shops and many street traders .
9 Caitlin 's voice made him jump as he bellowed across the room : ‘ You left a young girl to walk along a dark road at night ?
10 One of them , Zowina , later remembered her fright when she encountered the strange red-haired man with the square forehead prowling along a dark passage at night .
11 Nearly all OBE patients tell of travelling along a dark tunnel towards a distant light .
12 She takes the lift to the seventh floor and walks along a carpeted corridor until she comes to a room whose door is slightly ajar .
13 They are bumping along a wide highway , stalls stacked with water melons separating the two streams of traffic , the outlines of corrugated-iron roofs defining a shantytown on either side .
14 Oblique divergence is most commonly accommodated by transform offsets along a mid-oceanic ridge crest , while oblique convergence is resolved by the complex adjustment of lithospheric fragments along the plate boundary .
15 In trying to keep the wheelbarrow upright as I walked , I moved along a wavy line .
16 Slowly , creakily , he talked , like a cart pulled by a wise old horse going along a rough road .
17 To reach the cliff edge , the surfers have to leave the coast road and drive along a rough track and across the old mine site .
18 I watch you freewheeling along a vine-wrapped colonnade , and pause under an archway wrought in stone and lovely with purple flowers ringing in the new light .
19 Visitors can walk along a Roman street and discover remains of turrets , cookhouses , bread-ovens and a latrine .
20 If a railway engine travelling along a straight length of track is suddenly introduced to a radius curve , it will jump the rails .
21 The church is Romanesque and approached along a tree-clad path that makes a very pleasant change from the more normal city approach — straight off the road .
22 They were walking along a smallish road to the left of the extraordinary green-and-white-striped cathedral and David suddenly stopped and put both hands on Julia 's shoulders .
23 The town ended sharply , and we were driving along a bumpy lane through the jungle at reckless speed .
24 Do not forget to take along a separate sample of pond water — that in the fish bag will not be representative of your water quality .
25 She clung to me , and then she ran away ; she dashed through the flowers in the long grass , she twirled around a tree and sent lizards scuttling , she skipped along a sandy path .
26 This starts along a walled lane which opens out into a field .
27 As they were walking along a narrow passageway by the bar Mr Maltby accidentally nudged Mr Waterworth a former miner , and ‘ spilled twopence worth of beer . ’
28 Soon we were bowling along a narrow road , through a gentle countryside of green fields , with dim mountains in the far distance .
29 The best of Assynt , however , lies between this road and the coast , and my preference is always to turn off the A.894 two miles out of Kylesku and go along a narrow road that has never been improved and I hope never will .
30 We walked along a narrow road with elm and oak trees on either side , moving slowly because Macier 's feet were hurting him .
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