Example sentences of "along [prep] the other " in BNC.

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1 SIR — Along with the other members of the tiny , self-styled ‘ think tank ’ of the Cheltenham rebels , Mr Mortimer Moore ( letter , April 15 ) misunderstands the reason why the Cheltenham Conservative Party selected John Taylor as its candidate .
2 They will have been ‘ dumped ’ along with the other books by ‘ yesterday 's men and women ’ .
3 A feature of this section is a stream issuing from Hackergill Cave on the south bank , but this , along with the other wonders of the river hereabouts , must be regarded as out of bounds by the prudent pedestrian .
4 In the 1950s , one focus of black resistance was the Bantu Education Act , along with the other legal structures of apartheid .
5 But more recently , as criticism of ‘ non-planning ’ and piecemeal development has grown , the LDDC , along with the other UDCs , is introducing some social programmes and is trying to be reasonable and cooperative with local communities and ‘ host ’ local authorities .
6 After years of medical doubt it is at last safe to say with conviction that an apple a day along with the other fibre-rich foods you will eat on the F-Plan does indeed keep the doctor away .
7 BY crossing the Irish line six times at Twickenham , England in one fell swoop exceeded the total number of ties scored last year when winning the Grand Slam — and it 's time for this columnist to eat humble pie , after criticising England , along with the other Home Unions , for inferior standards of back play to Southern Hemisphere sides .
8 On top of these contracts , the girls , along with the other supermodels , can expect to earn anything from $7,000 to $25,000 for each catwalk appearance at twice-a-year shows , and Gianni Versace reportedly paid Turlington £50,000 to appear exclusively at his Milan show .
9 Hippos are large vegetarians and must munch away at many different herbs , along with the other plants they eat growing along the river bank
10 But , along with the other twelves in this column , New Element 's single spits from the speakers with the sort of beefy sound the UK has always dreamed of achieving .
11 He let Signora Rosi go on her way , wheeling the baby through the courtyard of the Pitti Palace into the Boboli Gardens to take the afternoon air along with the other mothers and babies of the Quarter .
12 By 1987 IBM was ready , along with the other US companies , to embrace OSI .
13 Once sorted , the berries are sent to England to be distilled along with the other natural ingredients harvested from all over the world .
14 On the face of it , there would seem to have been quite a strong case for handing over the division to the Soviet authorities along with the other formations originating form territories controlled by the Soviet Union .
15 As a Makassarese , Abu , along with the other lowland seafaring tribes such as the Bajos and the Bugis , was one of the first drivers on the island .
16 6–2- " That whilst under the Old Testament Instrumental Music was prescribed as part of the Temple service it was removed along with the other peculiarities of that service , under the new and more spiritual dispensation from which ritualistic and sensuous forms of worship were excluded ; that no Instrumental Music was prescribed or practised by Christ and his Apostles …
17 The wounded cow , however , dashed frantically towards the jungle along with the other terrified animals of the herd and disappeared with them into the shade .
18 Exhausted front seven hours of nonstop toil , the brothers flung themselves down on the red soil in the shade along with the other fifteen hundred coolies of the plantation and lay like dead men .
19 ( The latter association , along with the other two major local authority associations — the Association of Metropolitan Associations and the Association of County Councils — and professional bodies such as SOLACE ( Society of Local Authority Chief Executives ) also provide opportunities for liaison at national level . )
20 The Soviet Union decided to endorse the expulsion of Escalante : Castro was henceforth referred to as ‘ comrade ’ and Cuba 's place in the Soviet bloc was officially acknowledged when it was listed along with the other ’ socialist' states in the traditional May Day slogans .
21 Most of the land is low and flat — that 's why Luxembourg is known as a Low Country , along with the other two Benelux countries .
22 along with the other details of his ‘ tentative ’ printing history which depend upon its being true .
23 The RIBA and ACE have been very active — along with the other construction professions — in lobbying for the exclusion of the construction industry from the scope of the general ( horizontal ) liability directive proposed by the Consumer Services Directorate of the European Commission .
24 The book , along with the other two volumes on the standard forms of contract , is not addressed exclusively to the lawyer .
25 Antigua and Barbuda , along with the other Leeward Islands ( Montserrat and St Kitts and Nevis ) , distanced itself in November 1990 from the proposed political union of the members of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States , an idea which had been accepted in principle in 1987 [ see also p. 37825 ] .
26 In an interview on Nov. 18 , Fujimori said that Gen. Palomino apparently had no direct responsibility in the events , but would nevertheless face proceedings in the military courts along with the other alleged conspirators .
27 During July this year , 44 Squadron ‘ B ’ Flight moved to a new home at Waterkloof from Swartkop and , along with the other transport units , is to embrace the C-47TP completely .
28 Because of our experience at Scone Park and in many other projects in the twelve years we have been working with young offenders , we , along with the other children 's charities , oppose the government 's proposals on persistent young offenders .
29 At the Earth Summit in Rio Britain along with the other major powers agreed to limit its greenhouse gas emissions and the Environment Secretary believes the only way to cut consumption is to hit the consumers ' pocket .
30 PowerGen , which along with the other English generator , National Power , makes up 50 per cent of BR 's freight business , said the contract would be cancelled from next spring when BR privatisation is due to get under way .
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