Example sentences of "expected [prep] [art] end " in BNC.

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1 At 194p , down 7p yesterday , the shares stand at a discount of 37.5 per cent to the net asset value expected for the end of this year .
2 The committee 's full recommendations are expected towards the end of this year or early 1990 .
3 The start of 1993 in the UK and Europe had been slow , but improvement in some sectors was expected towards the end of the year and prospects in the US and Australia looked better , it added .
4 The FIA tribunal wished to consider the matter further and a final decision is not expected until the end of the month at the earliest .
5 Court proceedings against end-users are not expected until the end of the year .
6 The first offering , not expected until the end of the year , is a NetWare Loadable Module .
7 Publication of the report , which could prove somewhat embarrassing for Britain , is not expected until the end of this year .
8 The timetable proposal is currently under investigation by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission and a decision is expected before the end of 1989 .
9 Ante Markovic , the President of the Federal Executive Council ( federal Prime Minister ) and one of Yugoslavia 's most popular politicians , announced on May 25 that he was planning to set up a new political party based around his government team and with a programme of Western-style economic and political reforms , to contest multiparty elections to the Federal Assembly expected before the end of 1990 .
10 Formal agreement was expected before the end of 1992 .
11 The men , aged between sixteen and sixty will be tested in the next few weeks and the results are expected before the end of the year .
12 The Hereford results are expected before the end of the year .
13 The 36th annual event was the last before the Milk Marketing Board disappears in its present form , although an announcement is expected before the end of this month on what involvement , if any , their successors , Milk Marque , will retain in Britain 's national tour .
14 Age Concern England has written to Tony Newton , Secretary of State for Social Security , prior to his announcement on social security upratings which is expected at the end of October .
15 A white paper is expected at the end of this month in response to the Griffiths Report , which recommended that authorities be given greater responsibility for the mentally handicapped .
16 An official announcement was expected at the end of the week , following a final meeting at Pirelli 's Milan headquarters , but it has been delayed by contractual difficulties with some of the company 's existing Italian agencies .
17 Pilatus will build four production aircraft in 1993 , with FAA certification expected at the end of that year , and 31 in 1994 .
18 The final component of the system is a new management tool , the OpenServer Remote Manager ( list price £2,650 ) , which works in conjunction with an OpenServer Management Agent that is to be added to the OpenServer 400 family : it is initially to be incorporated onto the Unix version ( expected at the end of the month ) , with MS-DOS and OS/2 versions following along during the second quarter of the year .
19 Unisys does n't regret its decision to eschew RISC and stick with Intel , and is making sure its products are enabled for multiple levels of Intel chips , including the P6 , now expected at the end of next year .
20 A shift to release 1.0.2 , regarded as more the real product , is expected at the end of the second quarter .
21 Meanwhile , OEMs we spoke to say they are are now receiving 52MHz versions of Intel 's next-generation processor , the as-yet unannounced Pentium , with 60MHz and 66MHz parts expected at the end of the second and third quarters respectively .
22 In a series of transactions in 1992 , we sold substantially all our US and Canadian onshore interests , receiving some $250 million , and a further Can$88 million is expected at the end of 1993 for the remainder of our shareholding in ELAN Energy Inc. [ formerly LASMO Canada inc ] .
23 Preparations are in hand to communicate to staff the details of the Government 's Review of the nuclear industry , of which terms of reference are now expected at the end of September .
24 Formal approval of detailed proposals , on which negotiations had been in progress for five months , was expected at the end of February .
25 However if the actual price level turned out to be higher in t than was expected at the end of t - 1 , firms would be more willing to produce extra output and y t , would exceed y * ; .
26 The upward slope of the function reflects the response of firms to an actual value for p which turns out to be greater or less than they had expected at the end of t - 1 .
27 If the actual money stock in t is accurately predicted by agents at the end of period t - 1 ( in symbols ) , the actual price level in t will equal the price level which was expected at the end of t - 1 since expectations regarding the future behaviour of the money stock have been accurately generated by the efficient use of the information available in .
28 Aries is pitching Marixx DS against Sun 's overdue 45MHz and 50MHz Sparcstation 10s , which are now expected around the end of the second quarter .
29 An announcement of the first indigenous Alpha systems is expected around the end of the summer , following benchmarks which will be released in August .
30 Completion is expected by the end of the year .
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