Example sentences of "myself on a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The reason , frequently given , and I shudder because I can remember advancing it myself on a history syllabus committee , is that since primary schooling is terminal for many children , they must cover the ground or remain forever ignorant .
2 This occurred just after I took a turning and found myself on a road curving around the edge of a hill .
3 ‘ I found myself on a level with the whole of the French people ; my new companions … were miners , navvies , workers in metal and wood .
4 ‘ Beware the falconer with the clean glove , ’ they say , and certainly I was looking forward to getting my glove dirty — at least metaphorically — with some practical experience when I booked myself on a falconry course on Bodmin Moor in the summer of 1988 .
5 Seeing my interest was now aroused , I was invited to try the unit myself on a day 's diving .
6 Most extraordinary thing : as wife shoves high-chair into car 's rear suspension and I quietly herniate myself on a couple of bags filled with Devon mud and light aggregate thieved from local quarry by children , strange sense of loss creeps over me .
7 The next day , some well-planted flowers and a nippy little spider that jumped quite considerable chasms to get to where it wanted to go showed me that juice was still to be had for Life and , quite soon after , I found bits of myself on a train looking out at the curious modern mixture of silver birch trees growing on slag heaps .
8 IN FEBRUARY 1985 I found myself on a flight scheduled for the Yemen Arab Republic , now called Yemen since its amalgamation with the People 's Democratic Republic of Yemen in May 1990 .
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