Example sentences of "myself [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Kick hard left again ’ ; I yelled to make myself heard above the deafening roar of the wind and the sea .
2 I asked him again , shouting to make myself heard above the grumble of thunder and the sound of water .
3 One thing was clear in the confusion-that I could not even let myself think about the matter unless my physical health was up to it .
4 I felt quite embarrassed and excused myself to go to the cloakroom .
5 I excuse myself to go to the toilet and throw up .
6 But it was n't until a fortnight after the accident , when I took it upon myself to see to the downstairs — particularly the kitchen which was in a state — ready for Auntie 's visit next day , that the riddle was solved .
7 The most I 'd allowed myself to see of the inside of that room during his three months at Sleet was himself half naked ruled into a margin of light .
8 Between ourselves , I sometimes find myself struggling with the reality of living in a Church which patently does not live out the implications of all this .
9 I felt a thump on my back and an instant later found myself propelled along the winding lane at close to racing speed , courtesy of Steve , fourth member of the Peugeot team out for a training run .
10 I felt myself propelled towards the stage .
11 I found myself gazing at the harmonium and my memories of the happy times I 'd spent listening to Miss Louise play came flooding back and I wept more .
12 Since I hated the police , it was natural that I should feel myself aligned with the prostitutes .
13 People on our needs register are not swimming in cash , they 're not people who think I shall have a cushy number here , I 'll go and get myself housed by the local authority .
14 If I do , I may find myself kebabed between the two .
15 I FIND MYSELF caught in the toils of having to give a personal explanation for why I ca n't write a personal explanation for the formation of my adult beliefs .
16 Perhaps his own impatient temperament made this especially essential in his case : I myself fled to the wilderness when it proved no longer possible to live harmoniously with men , who , admittedly , were a frequent obstacle to my inner joy .
17 The school had an excellent library , especially in the English section , and I would find myself immersed in the literary essays of T. S. Eliot , I. A. Richards , W. K. Wimsatt , Bradley or Dover Wilson , Maud Bodkin on archetypal patterns or Caroline Spurgeon on Shakespeare 's imagery .
18 Shivering at the table and peering down at the paper under the stumpy candle I allowed myself to wander off the straight path through the dark trees .
19 I found myself revising with the small colloquia that lay around the grassy precincts of the university .
20 McEnroe 's autumn slog through Europe , which will include a trip to Wembley for next month 's Silk Cut Championships , is designed for one purpose : ‘ I 'm trying to get myself prepared for the Masters , hopefully to do well .
21 I found myself living on the base with a dozen nationalities thrown together to know our God more .
22 I found myself listening for the distinct crack , then gazing up at the clear starry sky trying to follow the flight of the shell .
23 It 's just that I can see myself listening to the Brahms Quartets rather more often .
24 On my last visit to Lewis I found myself repelled by the use of derogatory nicknames , and could n't understand why I was reacting so violently .
25 On the following day , Sunday , 29th December , Ernest Baird , Joan Waters and myself re-met at the Baird home .
26 ‘ And I believe that I began then to train myself to listen in the voice of somebody , or look through the outer facade .
27 Some of my friends have been frightened into no longer wanting to smoke , others have faced the facts but are reconciled to being fonder of smoking than they are afraid of cancer , but I myself yield to the temptation to smoke although convinced that I ought to abstain .
28 ‘ So I found myself heading for the Far East in the Service Corps . ’
29 At Mohnyin ten convalescent officers and twenty-eight men , the two faithful sergeants and myself got off the hospital train and made for the hospital of the BCMS where Dr Russell and the two nursing sisters took us all in and gave medical treatment to those needing it .
30 myself open to the god .
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