Example sentences of "feel [that] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , there may be occasions when you feel that this objective has not been achieved .
2 Er it 's never been the County Council 's er objective or intention to restrain what are the genuine er employment needs of its local residents , erm and we feel that this level of allocation is suited to the needs of the residents .
3 I feel that this sentence is far too harsh .
4 We feel that this video can make a positive contribution to these aims .
5 I feel that this event was another small step towards a recognition of the very important part the car park plays in our culture .
6 The Council feel that this scheme , with its emphasis on the reformative value of service in association with volunteers , is likely to be a promising form of new non-custodial penalty and that its effectiveness is likely to be all the greater because it involves the positive co-operation of the offender .
7 Fleay and Sanders feel that this committee achieved remarkably little , placing no significant pressure on the National government to drop its policy of non-intervention .
8 I have no idea how many were produced but I would ask you Mr Mayor whether you feel that this expenditure was money well spent ?
9 Unfortunately many editors feel that this kind of creativity is absent from the activities of a number of PROs .
10 Although I feel that one theme in To Kill A Mocking Bird is racial prejudice , I feel that this idea broadens out to the main theme for the whole novel of man 's inhumanity to man .
11 The Port of Belfast now handles more than 55% of Northern Ireland 's seaborne trade and the Harbour Commissioners feel that this success is due in no small part to the investment programme which saw £25 million invested over the last five years in a modernisation programme designed to ensure that the Port of Belfast can offer its customers the most up to date , cost effective cargo handling facilities .
12 I also feel that this country can not go on permitting the unrestricted sale of looted antiquities from abroad .
13 In my more lucid moments , I often feel that this whole reviewing game would benefit by being reduced to the simple ticking of a box marked yes , this song has a catchy tune and a good beat , or alternatively one marked no , it does n't .
14 Though many in Brazil feel that this softening in the law was due to lobby pressure from the multinationals , others take a different view .
15 I still feel that this story if I have retold it right , would have appealed to Eliot more than the tamer one about the negro .
16 As a consultant specialising in environmental impact assessments and environmental audits I feel that this criticism is rather unfair .
17 I personally feel that this decline in confidence is both healthy and realistic .
18 Erm , I really feel that this consultation is coming more than a too late because we started on the slippery slope when the consortium was er first dreamed of o , you know about a year ago and set up in April and that really this is the sort of the inexorable next move , and this consultation is far far too late !
19 The letter concludes : ’ We feel that this situation would not have arisen if ERCs were not included in health authority budgets .
20 Er the Residents ' Association erm feel that this examination in public is not the right forum to erm answer a question which has never properly been asked erm at the County Council .
21 ‘ Besides , I ca n't help but feel that this time next year all these girls will probably be for someone else .
22 We er er erm in this country have a very bitter experience with B C C I , it was n't just the knock it took to the regulatory system but I need hardly remind this house there are thousands of people who lost everything they had and that and there are many people who lost everything they had and feel that this house has not taken their concern seriously and it 's something the minister must show that the government is willing to pursue these matters , even if it means introducing primary legislation .
23 In view of the relationship between occupational pension schemes , particularly contracted-out final salary schemes , and the State scheme , we feel that this uncertainty is likely to continue since the Government has made no indication that State pension ages will be equalised .
24 Again , I feel that this argument has not been properly thought through .
25 But before I talk in more detail about how we hope to raise this money let me spend a little time explaining why I feel that this appeal is so vital to children everywhere .
26 Right in the course of our er er com our meetings Danny erm I will be asking you to recommend me to people but if , but only if you feel that this meeting has been of some benefit to you .
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