Example sentences of "to come [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But I mean we also , we , I mean we 're providing a service for them to allow them to come on off the street , use the bus , right , but at the same time were trying to provide services for them because one of the things that came out in a consultation was , young people did n't feel that there was enough information for them in the town .
2 Yeah it 's like with me , I mean of course do n't forget that I 've got a good two hundred pounds to come on about the fifth of December from the British Legion 's savings .
3 But I 'm thinking , I 'm think I 've got this terrible feeling I 'd have to come on with the princess , if we 've just got married
4 As part of the deal Mr de Ferranti agreed to stand down in favour of Sir Derek and to allow James Guerin , International Signal 's founder , to come on to the board as deputy chairman .
5 The night shift volunteer was standing next to me getting ready to come on to the phones and as I came off a call he started to chat to me .
6 The decision whether or not to come on to the Tour is not an easy one for a young black pro to take .
7 You know people who 's coming in from o the outside to come on to the flats , they 're the people at risk .
8 Amid mounting chaos , Iliescu issued a radio appeal to factory workers and others to come on to the streets to defend the revolution .
9 The exchange rate mechanism works as follows : ( a ) a rise in money supply causes interest rates to fall ; ( b ) the rise in money supply plus the fall in interest rates causes an increased supply of domestic currency to come on to the foreign exchange market ; this causes the exchange rate to fall ; ( c ) this will cause increased exports and reduced imports , and hence a multiplied rise in national income .
10 So presenting the centre line and okay we 're going to come on to the eye contact as well in a moment , presenting the centre line with eye contact means that it feels much more positive for the audience in terms of the delivery .
11 ERA is one of more than 50 new ales to come on to the Scottish market in the past year .
12 Were any undesirables as it were , to come on to the ward , I 'm sure they would be picked up almost immediately .
13 Obviously we 're trying to make a homely atmosphere so that parents can come and go , er when new parents come on to the ward , when new patients come on to the ward , nursing staff maintain a , a close control and a close liaison with them , so were any undesirables as it were , to come on to the ward , I am sure they would be picked up almost immediately .
14 There was no immediate sign of an answer , but after Creggan had given up any hope of a reply and was looking at the path lights beginning to come on in the Park outside the Zoo there was a subtle shift of talons in Slorne 's cage , a gentle shift of wings , the swiftest of meek glances , and Creggan , too late to catch the look full on , yet sensed that in her mute way Slorne was saying ‘ Yes , oh yes , you were right to predict her return ’ This knowledge that another eagle there believed his prediction had been right gave Creggan comfort in those first weeks in the Cages .
15 Street lights were starting to come on in the distance , crimson slivers slowly brightening to orange .
16 And then we used to and they used to come along with the old cart and start leading .
17 If they want to come along on the day and enjoy themselves , that 's fine ; we 're even providing a bouncy castle , so children can bounce for the rainforests at the Banbury walk .
18 I met Charlie , and he asked me to come along to the Mothering Day Service .
19 Anyone who wants to come along to the training on Wednesday nights at Keanie Park are more than welcome . ’
20 And and and and across the board there has been a cut of er , er of of of just below fifteen per cent , that that the that er er , our cut is forty five per cent , and and I mean , it er , it it it does er er create problems , there 's no doubt about it , and that I I got the letter from er which er , Rod instructed to come along to the department to me yesterday , in fact , I did refer very briefly to it , 'cos I 'm gon na just before the meeting that er er it it sets out saying that it was a very generous set settlement for ninety-three , ninety-four .
21 Yes , well I mean I 'm particularly interested for people to come along to the Cowley Centre stall , er and we also sell on the Cowley Road at our plant nursery which one of the other groups runs down near the east Oxford Health Centre .
22 ‘ Acid house was nothing to what 's in store , ’ he says , and Danny nods excitedly in agreement : ‘ Who knows what 's going to come along in the next few years ? ’
23 Mountbatten 's especial qualification in Attlee 's eyes for the job of viceroy was his success in getting the Burmese nationalists to come in on the British side in the closing stages of the war ; it was Attlee 's firm belief in later life , as indeed it was Mountbatten 's , that if Mountbatten had been left in charge in Rangoon , Burma would never have left the Commonwealth .
24 The local police kindly agreed to come in on the act and a few off-duty policemen pretended to stalk the burglars and locked them up for the night at a disused police station at Ironbridge !
25 Erm the volume i i is tremendous and er one worries about the effect of the surging waters on such an old construction , now we far worse than and consequently the emergency services have had to consider all sorts of alternatives , some of which you see now with the piping on , on the surface of it 's been having a good result the immediate problem , but you ca n't stop there and the emergency team have given consideration to all sorts of other possible temporary solutions in the event or that the pumping failed and er I think that 's possibly where this rumour about erm the railway line arrived but er I think Chairman I 've said enough , we all , we would all agree I think that the emergency workers have performed er I think we 're all pleased to see the army coming in erm and doing what they 've done and erm I certainly er appreciated the opportunity to come in on the old A Twenty Seven through West it took my mind back er many years I can tell you and erm I , I think congratulations all round are due , but I come back to what 's all saying and which I support as it would be a folly when the dust has settled erm to really take a an objective er position and see that er arrangements are in hand channels and things like that will not again be supercharged in the way they are .
26 Well you 'll have to come in on the way ho
27 They had actually chosen themselves to come in on the study and so they were obviously schools which were particularly interested in involving parents as much as they could , and erm they would all certainly have done as , probably as much as most schools in the country are doing as , as far as involving parents are concerned , both in having parent helpers in the classrooms , and in having organisations for parents and social events for parents of the , of the fundraising type .
28 Orbitel Mobile Communications Ltd says it is to launch its latest series of Groupe Speciale Mobile phones at CeBit ‘ 93 , in Hannover : improvements to come in with the new 901 series include improved battery life , speedier battery charging , and ‘ added functionality ’ , although Orbitel is not saying yet exactly what it means by this ; the series is to include a combined mobile and transportable phone , providing both in-car and portable functionality , the company says .
29 One moment they seemed to be flying through and over mountains and the next they were skimming over a long , fertile valley , turning to come in with the wind and losing height steadily .
30 He was recently fined £500 by the European Tour when , after a first round of 74 in his defence of the Mediterranean Open , he refused to come in for the requested press interview .
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