Example sentences of "started [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The International Atomic Energy Agency reports there are now 72 plants being built including two in Japan on which work started during the year .
2 Cases started during the research period were followed up to their conclusions , in one case four years later .
3 THE THIRD edition of what started as The Cricketer 's Companion ( 1960 , revised 1979 ) is even fatter , the original contents ‘ undisturbed ’ , though necessarily reset .
4 It has also been running for the past three weeks against The Free Frenchman , which may turn out to be a turbo-tortoise but which started as the turn off of the week .
5 ‘ She started as the Virgin Mary , ’ Olivia explains , ‘ but my nephew was sick of what he calls ‘ goody-goody ’ statues and did her naked .
6 She started as the voice of ‘ that 'un ’ said , ‘ Good morning .
7 In theatrical conditions ( whether in an Avignon stone-quarry or a Zurich boathouse ) the production 's basic ingredients of earth , fire and water acquired both a real and symbolic property : a standing-pool started as the source of creation and ended , by the time of the cosmic conflict , as a mud-caked river through which warriors heedlessly splashed .
8 She started for the telephone .
9 He started for the door .
10 She started for the door .
11 He swung his legs off the bed , grinning broadly , and started for the door .
12 She waited until the Baronne 's sad little procession had left , then started for the door .
13 The two men stared each other out before Peter gave a sudden exclamation halfway between anger and defeat , and started for the door .
14 She turned and started for the door .
15 Maxim put the camera down picked up a poker from the hearth and started for the stairway .
16 Then , on October 26th 1912 , they started for the south .
17 As the search started for the cause of the tragedy , the Prime Minister offered his sympathy to the families but stressed there was no evidence that precautions were ignored .
18 Th th In them days you had n't got er what is commonly known now as hire purchase , nowadays , you know , that that mostly started after the war .
19 The sex sessions started after the teenager , who ca n't be named for legal reasons , moved in with 53-year-old Lineker because she was unhappy at home .
20 I picked up my briefcase , started out the door and asked the FBI agent on the case to see me downstairs to a cab because I did n't feel very safe in Chicago .
21 Realising she was babbling , she started towards the galley .
22 Phoebe lifted her to her feet and they started towards the door .
23 Jinny went bright red and started towards the door so fast that Keith did not catch her up until she was outside on the path .
24 He started towards the door .
25 ‘ I knew it , ’ screamed the innkeeper , and started towards the door .
26 He started towards the door , stopping with a marked reluctance when Fran exclaimed angrily , ‘ No !
27 Slamming the locker door shut , he started towards the saloon .
28 When he saw this he was further enraged and started towards the seer with an axe .
29 For some strange reason she could n't seem to relinquish her hold on the chain and braced herself for the wrench she was sure would follow when fitzAlan started towards the castle gates .
30 He looked relaxed and carefree , singing under his breath as he lifted a bulging paper sack from the back seat , then started towards the house .
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