Example sentences of "whom he [vb -s] the " in BNC.

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1 This is because the founder of such a body is entitled to reserve to himself or to a visitor whom he appoints the exclusive right to adjudicate upon the domestic laws which the founder has established for the regulation of his bounty .
2 It is immaterial that the accused uses force on some person other than the one from whom he takes the item .
3 In his opus , Irenaeus fulminates against a group whom he calls the ‘ Ebionites ’ — a term used by the writers of the Qumran texts to describe themselves , which can be translated as , simply , ‘ the Poor ’ .
4 This is significant because , as we have seen , for a tippee to be liable , the tipper must , inter alia , receive some direct or indirect benefit from his breach of duty ; in the case of a temporary insider , liability is not contingent upon the person from whom he receives the information .
5 In addition to the consumer who plans to buy the car , there is a dealer who runs a franchised retail outlet , a property owner from whom he leases the premises , a finance company which provides the consumer purchasers with credit , and a manufacturing company which supplies the dealer with automobiles under a requirements contract and probably a credit arrangement as well .
6 When he discovered Blur were on the same label as Jesus Jones — with whom he shares the same management — Stephen ‘ put a word through ’ expressing his admiration .
7 But a combination of factors , including a high proportion of broken or at least deteriorating homes and single-parent families , an absence of parent-child contact due to migration and possibly compounded by the necessity of devoting excessive time to earning a living and , as I will argue shortly , a distorted appreciation of the parent 's function vis-à-vis education crystallize to release the black youth from the influence of his parents and jettison him into a world in which his peers , with whom he shares the common experience of being black in a white society , are the dominant forces .
8 He also suggested that quite apart from the accountant 's employer or client , he owed a duty to any third person to whom he shows the accounts or to whom he knows the employer will show the accounts with a view to persuading that person to invest or take some other action .
9 These points are well illustrated in John Warton 's narration of his talk with a woman in the last stages of consumption , to whom he gives the name ‘ Mary Barton ’ .
10 The man who ladles the food into the steel bowl on the tray can not see the face of the man to whom he gives the food .
11 Sir Philip , himself , is likewise full of praise for your son , for whom he has the highest regard .
12 What a superb role he has invented for himself , the English gentleman who stands disdainfully aside from the vulgar squabbles of this Latin rabble to whom he has the misfortune to be related !
13 In his spare time he is an Assistant Secretary to the well known Premier League team , Hamilton Accies , for whom he writes the programme .
14 He also suggested that quite apart from the accountant 's employer or client , he owed a duty to any third person to whom he shows the accounts or to whom he knows the employer will show the accounts with a view to persuading that person to invest or take some other action .
15 Abse 's book is full of long digressions — on gambling , Ulster , pornography , spies ( among whom he counts the acquitted MP Will Owen ) , Welsh devolution , Woodrow Wyatt , Enoch Powell and Keith Joseph , Welsh devolution , the ‘ wondrous possibilities ’ of in vitro fertilisation , the horrors of a Conservative Chief Rabbinate , the security services .
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