Example sentences of "forward to [v-ing] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 WE LOOK forward to toasting Botham 's 500 overall Test dismissals , but the 501 to date contains an overlap of nine caught-and-bowled .
2 Greg Hocking had not been looking forward to ringing Jackson 's the publishers about the Walter Machin papers .
3 I 'd been looking forward to telling Charlie how depressed and lonely I 'd been since we moved to London .
4 Anxiety made her speak more sharply than she had intended ; she was not looking forward to telling Madame Gebrec just why Officer Hassan was about to pay her another visit and it was a relief when Madame Delon answered her call .
5 Naturally she was looking forward to seeing Anna again , and it would be pleasant to have her company on Sunday .
6 She was looking forward to seeing Patrick Kelly .
7 I look forward to seeing Laura .
8 ‘ I follow Middlesbrough and Darlington football clubs and I 'm looking forward to seeing Durham come down to play cricket in the town . ’
9 She was beginning to acclimatise to not being alone , to look forward to seeing Christopher : to eating with him , listening to music with him , being silent with him , talking to him , walking with him , occasionally sleeping with him .
10 As a producer ‘ Space Oddity ’ was very important to me as it was only my second or third record and I was looking forward to seeing David play it live .
11 I am looking forward to seeing Brian Deane , I think he has more strings to his bow than Chapman .
12 Like so many others in the Unix community I look forward to reading Unigram.X every week .
13 She , Clarissa , was not looking forward to telephoning Lady Southdown , as she was bound to do , to thank her for a lovely evening .
14 ‘ Was she looking forward to leaving Rhodes ? ’
15 But there is nothing to disappoint the collector here : this is a notable issue , and I look forward to hearing Zimmermann in the Beethoven ; on this showing , he could give a splendid account of it .
16 Erm I I look forward to hearing Mr 's views on on this particular matter given that he was the or or the department was was responsible for for in a sense prolonging the discussion to consider the breakdown of locations and as to whether he feels that there is sufficient technical information available on all of the sectors should a recommendation come forward for a particular sector from from the panel .
17 Selkirk , at least , can look forward to enlisting David Hunter , their speedy full-back in the challenges ahead .
18 He said how much his parents were looking forward to meeting Liza , especially as they had always wanted a daughter .
19 I 'm very much looking forward to meeting Mr and Mrs Downes again . ’
20 Yet I am looking forward to meeting Mr Stratton again , because thus far he has refused point-blank to tell me who the murderer was … ’
21 I look forward to meeting Mr. O'Kennedy 's successor , Dr. Woods , so that we can continue this co-operation in the future .
22 ‘ Look forward to welcoming Toby to the reception class in four years ' time ! ’
23 Asmussen had clearly removed the memory of Polish Precedent 's humiliation at the hands of Zilzal last Saturday from his mind , and is looking forward to tackling Michael Stoute 's colt again in the Breeders ' Cup Mile at Gulfstream Park next month .
24 He wore a grim expression , not showing the elation with which he looked forward to killing President Sam , and taking over as ruler of his country .
25 ‘ I 'm looking forward to showing Liverpool that there 's more to me than an oily spanner . ’
26 We are looking forward to having Rob , Joyce , and Ewan , though I foresee problems with Gemma .
27 ‘ I am looking forward to playing Dan Macphail though — he 's irascible , pessimistic , abrupt , rude , with an enormous chip on his shoulder . ’
28 Drummer Steve is most looking forward to visiting Liverpool and seeing the relatives and friends he left behind when emigrating to Australia ten years ago .
29 My Lords and Members of the House of Commons I look forward to visiting Australia in February , the European Parliament and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and Malta next May , France in June and Germany in October .
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