Example sentences of "tell you [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Er I I could n't tell you off the top of me head I because I was working on it till half past midnight .
2 erm I mean I ca n't tell you off the top of my head , but I would like to know how many erm career advisory erm people actually help girls to direct their career .
3 ‘ Putney Heath , but I could n't tell you on the telephone . ’
4 ‘ I 'll tell you on the way home .
5 They will tell you on the training course how to do that .
6 are plenty of others they 'll tell you on the course .
7 But they will tell you on the phone .
8 but after about every three tapes it does actually tell you on the log , to change the batteries
9 I put in two gallons on Saturday , and I can tell you for a fact there 's at least quarter of a gallon left .
10 I 'll tell you for a fact that Steven wo n't go for Ollie tonight , it 's Paul that 's gon na go for him .
11 Let me tell you as a citizen of China : Pride .
12 What does that tell you as a trainer ?
13 Can I also tell you as a a did you stick that gun into the back , behind the right ear of Mr ?
14 Let me tell you of the images that spring to my mind when we talk about water .
15 As one born a ‘ Cockney ’ I can tell you of the great Catholic priests who lived among the poor of the East End of London — and loved them into the Kingdom of God .
16 ‘ Oh , there were good times and bad times , ’ said Connor , adding reminiscently , ‘ Did I ever tell you of the night I stood up to Jack Johnson ? ’
17 Indeed some of us think we now know what bankers in the republic felt like , if you stand up to make a speech the matter has moved on before you sit down again but I must tell you of the next major problem .
18 But I am going to having said that I will tell you of the few accidents that have occurred over the years , and one of them was mine in the early days when I was learning th the full size removal job .
19 An impressive feature of the early post-war Palace sides was the triumvirate of Alderson in goal , Little and Ernie Rhodes at full-back , and those who watched them play for the Palace will tell you of an understanding between them that bordered on the uncanny .
20 Although Shelley smiled only faintly , Byron roared with laughter and said , ‘ Let me tell you of an inscription I once saw scrawled on the wall of a low jakes in Chelsea .
21 Most give telephone numbers you can ring for more information , and many will tell you over the phone if they are likely to offer you a place .
22 ‘ All I can tell you at the moment is that she is on the danger list .
23 ‘ That 's all I can tell you at the moment , ’ Mould smiled secretively and ran off in the direction of Mr Fractor 's classroom .
24 But it would be very interesting if er you had a positive er proposal or something constructive to make which we might be able to examine , but I can tell you at the end of the day money is required and this government wo n't allow to spend er , the money that er we have got er er erm at the moment that we could , er use but they wo n't let us .
25 In Lothian , the Chairman will tell you at the end of the summing up of your case what the Committee proposes to do .
26 More than that we can not tell you at the moment , but we will , of course , give you a full ( p ) review as soon as it is possible .
27 No but you see I could n't tell you at the start because you 'd sound , you would n't have said half the things you did say .
28 do n't always tell you at the time they just say
29 ‘ If there is one worry about it , it is that the national curriculum and the attainment targets will only partly tell you about a child .
30 Whether it 's a knitted or fabric item , suitable fillings will be required so we thought we would tell you about a couple of products from Abbey Quilting Ltd , a company which specialises in wadding and filling products for craftwork .
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