Example sentences of "means [prep] [Wh det] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The senses provide the means through which they drink in experience and personalise it .
2 They want control , Hal , and the House is the means through which they seek to get it . ’
3 Land acquisition , site assembly , land reclamation , infrastructural improvement and environmental enhancement are the means through which it engages with local authorities , the Department of Environment and most importantly , the private sector to lever investment that will lead to economic growth .
4 The women 's organizations are also an important source of information for many refugees who would otherwise be isolated from events in their country and a channel by means of which they can express support for the revolutionary movement :
5 So the first people who made films , the first people who invented the apparatus by means of which they could be made , were relatively simple showmen or photographers , or in certain cases like Edison , erm the , you know a professional inventor , who would use either his staff to develop a piece of apparatus , or would do it himself .
6 The value of the ethological study of apes , monkeys and baboons is what it tells us about apes , monkeys and baboons ; only in very special circumstances , and in a very tentative way , should it be seen as a metaphorical alternative by means of which we can study man himself , as in a mirror .
7 What is more , it is close enough to the present day to be regarded as an illustration of the present-day processes by means of which we interpret the past .
8 There are no means that I know of , perhaps some social scientists present could suggest some , by means of which you could actually assess just what sort of a contribution he made .
9 This principle limits the degree to which state agencies and provisions in the area of welfare can take over responsibilities from individuals or from smaller , ‘ natural ’ units , upholding instead the rights of individuals to secure and shape the means with which they shape their role in society autonomously ( von Nell-Breuning , 1976 ) .
10 Planning requires the identification of tasks and matching the means with which they may be carried out in the time available and under the conditions prevailing .
11 There is always a closed circle of suspects ( so there can be no question of someone unconnected with the setting coming in from outside and doing the deed , as might well happen in " real life " ) and each of these suspects has to have a credible motive as well as reasonable opportunity of committing the crime and reasonable access to the means with which it was committed .
12 James 's next two necessary points ; reasonable opportunity of committing the crime and reasonable access to the means with which it was committed .
13 The policies which are adopted are important , but the means by which they are implemented will be critical to their effectiveness .
14 Both combined lead to political conclusions which are in some ways akin to those of Rawls : political action should be concerned with providing individuals with the means by which they can develop , which enable them to choose and attempt to realize their own conception of the good .
15 In short , rapid population growth was a result of poverty and this asked fundamental questions about access and control over the means of production as well as the technical means by which they were developed .
16 ‘ Defence has been perfected to a remarkable degree , ’ he said , ‘ and I have heard it suggested that through its further development football may be brought to a state of stalemate … it will be a sorry reflection on forwards if they have not the intelligence , the inventiveness to devise means by which they can carry their attack to a successful end . ’
17 The hypocrisy of the murderers , then , is the means by which they both gained trust — ‘ Fair and noble hostess , /We are your guest tonight ’ were among Duncan 's last words — and destroyed it .
18 Already , too , one may see the start of a symbiotic relationship in which France would increasingly depend upon American resources to achieve purposes which , left to herself , would be beyond her , while American objectives , although they did not entirely coincide with the French and for all the power which they would ultimately deploy , had to include France as a frail but , for the moment , indispensable means by which they might be attained .
19 ( 5 ) the relative ignorance of teachers as to available materials and the means by which they might be acquired through the project and other county services
20 The men around Nixon who planned the escapade were not elected professional politicians , but mainly " west coast advertising types " concerned only to sell their " product " and not too worried over the means by which they achieved this end .
21 Watson also deserves credit for lifting the veil from Braidwood 's secret teaching methods by publishing after Braidwood 's death in 1806 a book entitled The Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb : or a theoretical and practical view of the means by which they are taught to speak and understand a language , which made the early technique of such teaching in this country public knowledge .
22 Whatever the means by which they were transported to their present location , many evolutionists agreed that species must undergo changes adapting them to the local environment .
23 Workers expect to have some control over the means by which they perform a set task , and they resent having means specified in too much detail .
24 We 've got to persuade them to invest in us — to make them see us as the means by which they can topple the Seven . ’
25 Within that period there will continue to be stated periods for exchange of pleadings and other interlocutory steps since these provide a guide to parties and a means by which they can keep one another up to schedule .
26 One of the critical directions supported by recent work on the Renaissance is to render these other histories more visible and to examine the means by which they were hidden .
27 VE does not initially consider manufacturing methods , as would a cost reduction exercise , but starts by questioning the necessity of the functions and the means by which they are performed .
28 VE does not initially consider manufacturing methods , as would a cost reduction exercise , but starts by questioning the necessity of the functions and the means by which they are performed .
29 All were required to get official sanction for their enclosure and to provide evidence of the means by which they were to be physically provided for .
30 All we can do is shape the means by which they approach us and the terms on which they will live with us in the time to come , that we may keep our honour and our identity , and be their free neighbours and allies , not their villeins .
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