Example sentences of "give [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Simple scales give experience of balance , mass and comparison .
2 Marital pathology is fully recognised by those who give support through marriage counselling .
3 For this need , another type of para.professional was envisaged , with sound training in all these areas , able to work with teachers and give support to teachers , and with a thorough understanding of educational principles and methods .
4 Slugs tend to concentrate in such refuges , presumably because they give protection from desiccation .
5 They promote growth , give protection from infections , and are essential for other body functions .
6 They are essential for a healthy nervous system and they give protection against infection , aid in energy production and promote growth .
7 A good diet should maintain health , provide energy , promote growth , and give protection against disease .
8 To prevent this , local authorities can make replanting obligatory when they give permission for trees to be felled .
9 Share prices give thumbs-down to Budget
10 But it has to be reiterated that the CTP does not explain these observations : it does not explain how the impinging events give rise to awareness of those events .
11 When A per cent of records that give rise to B per cent of accesses is loaded first , the improvement obtained tends to ( 100 — B ) / ( 100 — A ) as .
12 Many situations can not be handled on the basis of ‘ A per cent of records give rise to B per cent of accesses ’ .
13 Normally a modest stream , it occasionally becomes a torrent after a downpour and , when held up by a high tide-can give rise to flooding in the lower part of the town as , spectacularly , in 1914 and 1935 .
14 All the known particles in the universe can be divided into two groups : particles of spin 1/2 , which make up the matter in the universe , and particles of spin 0 , 1 , and 2 , which , we shall see , give rise to forces between the matter particles .
15 We know they exist , however , because they do have a measurable effect : they give rise to forces between matter particles .
16 It is these odours which give rise to problems , being technically difficult to control at such low levels .
17 Yet another type of vocabulary can have difference in meaning for patient and nurse and thereby give rise to difficulties — words describing parts of the body , though having a particular anatomical reference , do not necessarily have that reference for lay people , even intelligent lay people .
18 The pitch patterns of a foreign language applied to English sound wrong and give rise to difficulties of communication .
19 Just as essences or forms give rise to those properties , so definitions of those forms , when used as premisses , give rise to conclusions about those properties .
20 Most of the seminal papers which give rise to paradigm shifts , and the creation of new journals to publish new subjects or combinations of subjects , are first published in the core journal set for the earlier research front , and the clusters which define the new research front may not include the journal which first published the paper which led to its inception .
21 The great majority of mechanical problems give rise to matrices having distinct eigenvalues ; however , problems involving equal eigenvalues are by no means unknown .
22 Plans give rise to actions ( performance ) , and actions have to be monitored to ensure that they reflect the aims and intentions of the plans .
23 For a combination all three components exist , though only a 1 and e components give rise to IR transitions from the ground state .
24 These results suggested that open complexes formed at the φ29 P A2b and P A3 promoters are unstable , and that initiated complexes are stable enough to resist the heparin challenge and give rise to elongation complexes .
25 Negative Richardson number corresponds to a destabilizing density gradient ; both shear and buoyancy give rise to turbulence generation .
26 If you are subject to an express or implied mobility clause , which covers the move to a new base , the mere closure of the office or factory where you work at present will not in itself give rise to redundancy .
27 It is not every failure to comply with law or every constitutional and non-constitutional short cut which adds up to an approach to powers which give rise to questions of legitimacy .
28 The complexity of Scotland 's rocks and structure — both at the surface and at depth — and the large age range of geological Systems represented in Scotland 's rocks , give rise to questions which are of intrinsic interest to researchers attempting to unravel Scotland 's geological history .
29 The complexity of Scotland 's rocks and structure — both at the surface and at depth — and the large age range of geological Systems represented in Scotland 's rocks , give rise to questions which are of intrinsic interest to researchers attempting to unravel Scotland 's geological history .
30 The insults or stresses which cause the imbalances and so give rise to disease can be of two types :
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