Example sentences of "give [pers pn] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or give them to a nearby playgroup or primary school , which will welcome any old cards that the children can cut up for collages .
2 erm so you know but you may find if you give , print off a few and give them to a few people over the weekend
3 The problem with approaching children 's reading from a ‘ classics ’ approach — identify the best , the books ‘ of transparently permanent greatness ’ ( Rosenheim , 1980 , p.5 1 ) and give them to the children — is that it places emphasis on the book , on the literary work , and not on the needs and tastes of the individual reader .
5 Give them to the charity bazaar . ’
6 I feel very strongly that Salford should end this free giving away of degrees , but give them to the deserved students only — us .
7 I said well what the hell 's she doing Arthur , if she do n't want them tell her to come , send them in here I said and give them to the kids .
8 Give him to the Chief Statistician ? ’
9 In this case police officers saw the defendant take a flick knife from his pocket and give it to a friend to inspect before returning it to his pocket .
10 Give it to a friend to read and find out what effect it had .
11 Give it to a computer , ’ Bernice replied immediately .
12 ‘ If you want something done then give it to a busy person ’ .
13 They assumed that wealth was automatically there , and that the task of politics was simply to take from the wrong people and give it to the right ones .
14 Respondents were also left a self-completion questionnaire and asked to fill it in and either give it to the interviewer when he or she called back or return it by post ; the response rate to this was 93 per cent .
15 In these cases , either assist the foal to get to its feet or if necessary , milk the colostrum from the mare and give it to the foal using a rubber teat and a bottle .
16 We 're going to take everything you own , suckers , and give it to the black communists in Zimbabwe ! ’
17 Nor would they , he said , under any circumstances , give it to the Press Officer .
18 His Lordship is hailed from the shore by a knight , who we are told is King Arthur , have you the sacrifice my Lord , who answers no , then take my sword and smite the water in front of the grot and see what my wizard has done , take also this dove and when asked , give it to the keeper .
19 Give it to the Captain , he 's Florentine .
20 Well there was one sad part was n't it that when I was on my in training during the and the rockets and so in classrooms and had a lecturer talking to us and erm this lad come in with a message from the teleprint and erm give it to the instructor , and he 'd call a name and the chap would go out .
21 Give it to the blind and they can take the equipment
22 At the age of 18 , Antony heard the passage of scripture that was to change his life : " If thou wilt be perfect , go and sell that thou hast , and give it to the poor " ( Matt. 19 : 21 ) .
23 Just give it to the lassie and she 'll put you through straight away .
24 Mind you give it to the boy personally .
25 Sign it before you give it to the pharmacist .
26 Give it to the manager or assistant or the person on the checkout .
27 " Could you put the list in an envelope , address it to Mr. Peter Mottram , c/o The Manager , and give it to the manager ?
28 Completer finisher well if you want something done give it to the completer finisher .
29 Give it to the birds then .
30 Well give it to the kids then
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