Example sentences of "whatever may [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Whatever may be the case in Russia , we in the degenerate West can switch off the radio or television , or not buy a newspaper , or not read such parts of it as we do not wish to .
2 Whatever may be the instigating factor in a piece of research , whether it be a random observation or a sudden thought in the library , there is a common form of procedure which can be used for the research .
3 Whatever may be the degree of transference between generations , what is much more clearly established is the high proportion of attitudes and behaviour characteristics unconsciously learned by children and taken right into their adult experience .
4 For a number of reasons , therefore , it seems rather over-simplistic and legalistic merely to state baldly that , whatever may be the position on the illegality of use of nuclear weapons , their possession as such is not illegal ( Brownlie , 1984 ) .
5 Whatever may be the attitude of any individual teacher , if s/he does not receive adequate support from the school in implementing change , s/he is likely to give up , or decide that the innovation is not worth the extra time and energy required .
6 I think the most commonsense response to this objection is as follows : whatever may be the theoretical case about competing interpretations of low-level code in the machine , we need to remind ourselves that , if this machine is ‘ paying tax refunds ’ , as opposed to ‘ directing missiles ’ , then it is actually printing large rolls of cheques at its peripheral devices .
7 Whatever may be the differences in detail , the overall direction of change in behaviour , the trend in the civilising movement is everywhere the same .
8 Whatever may be the logical difficulties of a principle of induction ( and there has , of course , been much written on the subject from David Hume to Karl Popper ) , as a methodological strategy it is essential for science .
9 Different types of pupil will gravitate towards different sub-topics , but all will have the common link of starting from the same stimulus ; it will be possible for all children to contribute to whatever may be the concluding feature , such as an exhibition , poster or class booklet .
10 Whatever may be the effect of the Practice Direction read against the word of the statute the present case was clearly one where the judge , if he had a discretion about the matter at all , should have allowed the convictions to be put to the witness .
11 Nevertheless , the courts have long recognised that , whatever may be the theoretical position , there are far-reaching limitations in principle on the exercise of that jurisdiction .
12 Nevertheless it has long been recognised that , whatever may be the theoretical position , there are far-reaching limitations in principle on the exercise of that jurisdiction .
13 I do not think that section 3(1) envisages any such act as an ‘ appropriation , ’ whatever may be the meaning of that word in other fields such as contract or sale of goods law .
14 Whatever may be the case in practice , the formal constitutional position of the administrative and coercive elements is to serve the state by serving the government of the day .
15 Whatever may be the limits of Article 235 , and it has been noted that it gave rise , even before the Community acquired its express environmental competence , to legislation on the conservation of wild birds , examples can be found of the development of what would appear to be new Community policies , without even a reference to Article 235 .
16 This restriction of the kernel function K1 is discussed by Volterra ( 1931 ) and shown to be a requirement of the theory of hereditary phenomena , when the phenomenon always follows the same course as it passes successively through the same conditions , whatever may be the relative position of these conditions in time .
17 Whatever may be the position , the agreed capital shares must be agreed at the outset , for there is no presumption that capital entitlement is the precise reflection of capital contribution and , failing specific agreement , s24(1) of the Partnership Act imposes equal sharing .
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