Example sentences of "to keep [pron] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 But the story of the Gesta did not end in 1109. just as later monks came back to the Flemish comital genealogies to keep them up to date and to add new material , so the Gesta attracted amplification .
2 Simple requests for such increases were the least of the shipowners ' concerns , while on shipboard conditions there could be no cause for complaint because of the " army of government officials who were there to keep them up to the mark " .
3 and they have to keep them up to date .
4 He in turn contacted Searle 's agent Rachel Calder at the Tessa Sayle agency ( the lengths we will go to satisfy a reader 's enquiry ) , who confirms that Searle indeed often rewrites his captions , ‘ to keep them up to date ’ .
5 In return , the ABT runs courses for full- and part-time teachers to keep them up to date with developments in banking education .
6 Not all class members can attend rallies etc , they , and the Society , depend on you to keep them up to date with the latest stock .
7 ‘ Ken Harris has promised to keep me up to date with the press briefings … ’ she began .
8 Thus it involves massive amounts of reporting , in person or on paper , to keep everyone up to date :
9 You will soon be receiving your free copy of the graduate newspaper to keep you up to date with the University , your contemporaries and the graduate associations .
10 Version 6 will include anti-virus software , but will Microsoft be able to keep you up to date with the new viruses that appear with frightening regularity ?
11 In return we in the editorial team will try to keep you up to date with what is going on in the University .
12 ‘ I do n't think there have been any new developments since yesterday morning , but I 'll run through them to keep you up to date . ’
13 To keep you up to date with the story so far : Katabatic first met Waterloo Boy over fences in the Captain Morgan Chase at Aintree in April 1990 , the pair finishing third and fourth behind Nohalmdun .
14 Midnight did it because she willed him to , because she slaved to keep him up to it .
15 He has promised to contact Ron direct to keep him up to date .
16 Yet most of the buildings we see today date from the 12th century or later — Henry II 's great medieval fortress , strengthened in the 13th century , was remodelled by Georgian and Victorian engineers to keep it up to date .
17 He was still making corrections ; he was doing his best to keep it up to date .
18 ‘ Mind now , Donald , ’ he put in , ‘ or Angus will be telling you to keep it down to forty-nine .
19 Some said she was obsessed with her weight and determined to keep it down to under six stones .
20 But I totally disagree with what she said in that erm yesterday I sat glued to the television most of the day , really to keep myself up to date on what was going on , erm I also have a baby but I managed to keep him occupied as well as take him out for a walk and give him his lunch and what have you .
21 However , you need to keep yourself up to date with this bumf , and you 've got to control it .
22 All these mistakes are only too easy to make , and it takes constant effort to keep oneself up to the mark .
23 Erm the other part of course of quality control is making sure that partners and staff er to speak on quality er er it is ess essential that we attend the necessary courses to keep us up to date , it is essential er that the er that we get our C P units , it is essential that staff are not withdrawn from er training courses er when there 's a pressing client there er so that we should er ensure that everybody gets the necessary training to achieve this objective .
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