Example sentences of "above all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For he who thinks to remain neutral is above all a sceptic .
2 The technical survey is above all a category of book in which the writer will have closely observed the material discussed .
3 The most famous of all the sections of Ulysses , Molly Bloom 's final soliloquy is above all a celebration of that freedom , and the freedom thus won .
4 Innocence , discipline , high standards and above all a kind of scrubbed , simple beauty .
5 The managerial implications are profound in many ways but above all a management framework must be created which facilitates such relationships in the first place and then allows them to flourish .
6 There is friendly gossip and fun in conversation , and above all a sense of caring and looking after each other .
7 Nevertheless what was being demonstrated in the course of 1945 was that — whatever the feelings of affinity that might exist between Britain and the United States — a substantial relationship could not endure without a strong sense of common interests and above all a sense of exposure to common dangers .
8 It had its Arcadian examples — like all revolutions it dug into antiquity for help and respectability and dynamic metaphors — and Mary could be seen , that morning , in woods as sun-speckled as a thrush 's throat , as a shepherdess from the Hellenic world , a Grace from their pagan earth-suckled legends , but above all a spirit of the place .
9 In the subterranean catacombs deep below Vauban 's Citadel , there was safety , a hot meal , a bunk , possibly even a bath ; but above all a respite from the German shells .
10 The EC is all kinds of things , good and bad , but it is above all a machine for producing proposed regulations embodied in documents .
11 But Best , spiky and articulate though he is , is above all a pragmatist .
12 By then the conventional restraints of courtesy were felt to have had their day , and outlived it : the New Critic was above all a rebel , even a terrorist .
13 The problem of morality is therefore above all a problem of organization ; we have to reconcile our conflicting impulses with one another , in such a way as to allow them collectively the greatest possible degree of satisfaction .
14 He was well aware of the depth of the chasm which separated the past from the future he hoped to create , and he was above all a realist , but inevitably the fusing of nearly 600 formerly independent undertakings into a new corporate identity was not painless .
15 Intelligent , sensitive and artistic , with a certain diffidence which added to his charm , he was above all a man of absolute integrity .
16 Eden was above all a diplomat of the classical school , though one whose command of his emotions was not always what it should have been .
17 The changes had met with howls of rage from the profession ; a host of cartoons in the press ; but above all a reduction in price for the consumer .
18 The raw material of his experience was transmuted into story — for whether he was working in the poetic or prose medium , Masefield was above all a story-teller .
19 This complex behaviour requires mechanisms to register the presence of prey or danger and to decide on and make the appropriate response , attacking or contracting into a blob — sensory cells , secretory cells , muscle cells and above all a network of electrically connected cells running right across its surface which can coordinate the hydra 's responses .
20 What learning process — a sort of out-of-school education in life itself — is above all a study in embarrassment ; and the embarrassable hero is abundant in comedy and alive outside it , even in the final awesome scene of Golding 's Lord of the Flies .
21 That is above all a matter for him to decide ; but I very much admire the way in which he addressed the House with his habitual frankness .
22 Basil was above all a seeing person of sensibility and perception , responding spontaneously to every aspect of the visual world .
23 In other speeches Ligachev insisted that the CPSU was ‘ above all a party of the working class ’ ; and although an ‘ unrestricted dialogue ’ was necessary under single-party conditions , glasnost' should be ‘ constructive ’ and must not be used for ‘ selfish ’ or ‘ anti-Soviet purposes ’ .
24 ‘ Liverpool is above all a party place , ’ Dawn said .
25 Backed by nearly 200 years experience and boatbuilding tradition , a Moody is above all a boat you know you can trust .
26 Ho seems to have remained in Kunming until 1945 where he cultivated the OSS , portraying himself as a Communist who was above all a nationalist .
27 Within religious traditions myth and story have received overtones through many other factors which are not available to modern children ( a total lifestyle , worship , theological language , above all a community of people to whom it is real ) .
28 This drop in mortality was above all a drop in infant mortality .
29 Perhaps it is not remarkable , after all , that no poet should have described this world to us before it expired , described it in language that would bring home to us what kind of world it actually was and how its inhabitants looked upon it , for it was above all a peasant world and the peasant was inarticulate .
30 Suddenly , a world without his present routine , above all a world without Ma , seemed a world without foothold or boundary .
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