Example sentences of "come from [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is also the case that the great majority of students entering advanced courses in art and design have come from foundation courses , a few having come from school with GCE A level passes in art .
2 Had the Powells not come from England in 1609–10 there possibly would have been no Portadown , for a map of 1609 shows no trace of any settlement in the area .
3 Other teams in the 1993 contest had come from breweries including Whitbread , Fuller 's , Young 's and Courage and the event was held at Park Royal .
4 DOZENS of new leads have come from members of the public after a reconstruction of the last moments of stabbed businesswoman Jean Bradley , police said yesterday .
5 Evidence supporting the theory has come from experiments on the interaction of sleep loss with other manipulations known to increase arousal level , such as incentives and noise .
6 Support for the so-called ‘ electroweak theory that links two forces , the electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force , has recently come from experiments at CERN , the European centre for particle physics .
7 It has come from experiments with high-energy muon neutrino beams at particle accelerators , and from lower-energy neutrinos at two nuclear reactors .
8 By far the most satisfactory demonstrations of changes in the discriminability of cues with training come from experiments in which the comparison is made between acquired distinctiveness and acquired equivalence conditions ; a difference between these conditions could , of course , be entirely the consequence of an acquired distinctiveness effect .
9 Arguments against a role for a G protein-linked mechanism for generating InsP 3 have come from experiments in which phorbol esters failed to block fertilization but could inhibit the events activated by injecting GTP- γ S into hamster eggs .
10 The growth has come from privatisation of services provided in the public sectors , particularly healthcare and education and from catering for the public .
11 The most elaborate response for broad-ranging rationalisation had come from Britain in 1952 with the Eden Plan , but this had been a response to Britain 's anxiety about what the little Europe of the Six might achieve .
12 Much of it has come from work with animals , for here it is possible to arrange particular experiences at particular ages and subsequently test for their effect on the behaviour of mature animals .
13 A request for a diary had come from friends of the broker whose daughter was due home from Arra in Zaire because of political troubles .
14 It has a charming , white stuccoed wiggly gable , two windows wide , that might have come from Amsterdam with the King 's guns .
15 I u I went in one there was like a junction as come from Pit into .
16 The second item had come from Fischer in Alexandria .
17 The money for the building which is based on a Kgotla , a meeting place in an African village has come from donations from across the world .
18 We do not know at what date Matilda had gone to Wilton , but probably she had come from Scotland as a young girl with her aunt Christina in 1086 to be educated at Wilton .
19 The last proposal for change had come from France on the grounds of weather being better later in the season but it was decided then to leave fixtures in their present slots from January-March .
20 It had come from America in a parcel .
21 The only really significant inroad into the dominance of English in recent years has come from Spanish in the southern states of the US .
22 As well as being taught the basic techniques of childcare , some girls may also need to learn how to give and take love , if they have come from environments in which they experienced very little love and affection .
23 The US gear filtering into Britain has been joined by Australian , European and Japanese workwear , of which the most notable brands have come from Australia via a group of Notting Hill-based boys calling themselves PIL .
24 The Arnhem veteran had come from Salisbury for a memorial service .
25 For she had actually been engaged in the very pleasant task of deciding which room in her new house at Far Flatley might best be converted into a nursery when a messenger had come from Frizingley with the awful news .
26 Though Xorandor resigns himself to his fate , he tells the children a secret : he has not in fact come from Mars at all but is a member of a race that has been living on Earth for millions of years , communicating over vast distances through radio pulses in binary code .
27 Xorandor explains that he lives on radioactivity , that he has come from Mars in search of food , and that he has been stealing the waste to feed himself .
28 The railway had come from Belfast in 1842 , the original station having been at Seagoe and some will still recall the old sidings which used to be near the signal-box there .
29 She said that the complaints had come from people on the same estate who were ‘ really quite close ’ to the former rectory .
30 At first their mother 's sister had come from time to time but she and Moran had quarrelled .
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