Example sentences of "rest of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It will not examine the interface between videos conducted under the memorandum and the rest of the child protection process .
2 The rest of the tent is then laid and pegged out .
3 The rest of the dwelling was treated with as much respect as before , but the new room was — as far as the cat was concerned - still part of the ‘ outside ’ and was treated accordingly .
4 Just as the key factor or phrase may be changed so the rest of the wording of the question could alter , but the basic form of the problem remains the same .
5 Not half as much as I am of you ! thought Henry , as he ran his eyes down the rest of the manuscript ( she must have written it before going to sleep ) .
6 The rubricator , usually a specialist in the work , put in his capitals when the rest of the manuscript or printed book had been completed .
7 Plan A almost fell at the first fence as Trippy and the rest of the squat seemed to have been having an end-of-season sale in Trippy 's medicine chest .
8 There he goes across the concourse at Charing Cross with the rest of the commuters .
9 While the rest of the Mondays had , for the first time in their lives , thrown themselves with abandon into their work and discovered a new passion for playing , Shaun just could n't match up .
10 MEANWHILE , THE REST of the Mondays have sorted themselves out , got their sights set and , after the recent carry-ons , are ready for anything .
11 The rest of the prisoners have to rely on drugs being smuggled in occasionally by visitors as a gift or by prison staff .
12 Only we can know how it really feels not to be liked , not to be wanted by the rest of the rugby world . ’
13 The Five Nations Championship is understandably the envy of the rest of the rugby world and what spice will be added to the coming encounters — notably when England travel once more to Murrayfield on the opening day and return to Paris in February ; when Ireland , so nearly conquerors of champions Australia , run out once more at Lansdowne Road , and Wales begin their brave attempt to rise like some Phoenix from the ashes .
14 Clearly men with a purpose , their well-ironed tropical suits and ties contrasted with the colourful informality of the other passengers and the rest of the airport crowd — the men in body length kanzas or open neck shirts , and women in black buibuis stretching from their heads to below their knees or in multi-coloured kitenge dresses proclaiming variants on the theme of Uhuru na Mwalimu .
15 He drew his gun , letting it guide his eyes around the rest of the chamber .
16 Come and meet the rest of the crew . ’
17 ‘ There was plenty of flak over the target area , and I kept looking at my useless chute , yet at the same time it was treated as a huge joke by us all , with the rest of the crew saying that no way was I going down with any of them if need be !
18 His true capacities are tested , first as he battles with the rest of the crew against a fire in the cargo of coal and then as one of the holding crew on the tanker Arno , found badly holed and abandoned and taken into tow .
19 ‘ Allen Lane and the rest of the crew down at Penguin Books like your designs very much , ’ Lehmann told him .
20 In all cases a helper is needed , someone strong and active to pull up quite heavy anchors , while the rest of the crew should realise that living in a yacht is like living in a caravan with incredibly soft suspension — and it 's sometimes difficult to hop out for a walk !
21 ‘ You can tell me where you and the rest of the crew were on the evening Sabine Jourdain was killed .
22 Unless I get answers to my questions then you and the rest of the crew will find yourselves explaining to the police instead .
23 The rest of the crew and the company poled doggedly on , and most days the silence was broken only by the plop of the water and the odd cry of wild fowl .
24 I flew as co-pilot , we had a veteran pilot who would be Aeroplane Commander , the rest of the crew was green or also on their first mission .
25 In the course of the voyage two of the seamen deserted ; and the captain , having in vain attempted to supply their places at Cronstadt , there entered into an agreement with the rest of the crew , that they should have the wages of the two who had deserted equally divided among them , if he could not procure two other hands at Gottenborg .
26 And the rest of the crew that morning were Billy , second coxswain , John , assistant mechanic , Jimmy and Vincent .
27 Another officer , Kevin Magee , also fell through the roof of the derelict house but managed to grab a purlin and hang on until rescued by the rest of the crew .
28 There was one scene in the film where the rest of the crew goaded his character into asking out a bar girl on a date , but he was so shy and embarrassed .
29 I was able to persuade my chief ground instructor to let the crews pick themselves , I placed the pilots ' names on a blackboard with four spare slots for the rest of the crew .
30 But like the rest of the crew , he was stationed at RAF Lyneham , near his home town of Swindon .
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