Example sentences of "round a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When proprietors sold , at any stage , whether antici-pating amalgamation ( like the News Chronicle and Daily Mail ) or a continuing future , they did so because of flagging interest or energy , or because they had not the resources to turn round a weak paper in an increasingly competitive market .
2 In Sutton , the wires came out into the High Street and ran a short distance to the right to run round a small green at Bushey Road .
3 The room had lino on the floor and a plastic three-piece suite gathered round a chipped tile fireplace all covered in dust , but through the door into the kitchen Hoomey could see a more homely scene , with Stalin and Gary watching football on a television set that sat on top of a refrigerator beside the sink .
4 Overhead , a great circle of dark azure swirls round a gleaming crescent moon and into it , majestically , in the last light , sails Yr Wyddfa , as if to remind us that her magic lives .
5 It huddles round a flint-towered church and sprawls down to the North Sea — and what a wallop the sea makes as it pounds at the shingle . "
6 A gentle breeze helped nudge us up the first incline — then the next , and the next , before we reached a tricky scramble round a rocky peak .
7 With every move the visitor transfers from one ear to another , steps over the roughed out eye-socket of a sleeping figure , or dodges round a protruding nose .
8 We 're sitting round a real fire burning logs , and a fan heater 's whining away in the centre of the room 's dark , threadbare carpet .
9 It rolled round a semi circle and came to rest .
10 But today , realizing the problems she might have in controlling her mount let alone in staying on should it prop at a hedge or peck on landing , she decided discretion was the better part of valour and shortening her left rein swung Hullabaloo away in the other direction to take what was known as the Funks ' Run , which ran round a long ridge of elms , across the brook at its narrowest point , and then over a good two miles of open ground , with only one reasonable sized open ditch and hedge to be jumped at the bottom of the dip before a long run uphill which led back to the last of the Vale hedges .
11 Five miles [ 8 km ] away by sea , but nearly twice as far by road , lay the small fishing town of Teignmouth , consisting of about 40 houses , clustered round a Norman church , and with a wide , gently sloping shingle beach , where today a broad promenade overlooks stretches of firm sand .
12 This proved rather funny because when we went round a sharp bend , the cupboard door flew open , the porta-potty rolled out like a cheap-thrills show , and on the next bend it rolled back in again and the door closed !
13 ‘ I was travelling round a great deal at the start in the West Country , then I went into headquarters which involved administration . ’
14 Turn the lights down and gather round a roaring log fire , or log-effect on the electric heater if you 're in a smokeless zone .
15 These jokes should never be told to your friends at Hallowe'en , on a dark and stormy night gathered round a roaring log effect electric heater , or at any other time for that matter .
16 Dent , with its narrow cobbled main street and its white buildings , could almost be taken for a Westmorland village , whereas West Burton , by-passed by the Bishopdale road and standing with its houses clustered round a broad wedge of a village green with cross , stocks and children 's swings , is very much a village of the eastern Dales .
17 It is another which may have been a christianised pagan ritual , evolved from dancing round a sacred site or stone on which a church was eventually built .
18 When the glider is desperately low the pilot 's handling often goes to pieces , and he may over-rudder in an effort to get round a final turn without touching a wing-tip or turning any steeper .
19 The three of them are sitting round a low table with three cups of coffee , and Paul is trying to entertain the visitor .
20 Only if one turns it round a complete revolution ( 360 degrees ) does the particle look the same .
21 Decorative stylisation is very marked , surfaces are dotted or outline clings round a solid core .
22 The composition of the painting and its original theme was developed from two ambitious watercolours of late 1908 entitled Carnaval au bistrot , which showed five figures , one wearing a harlequin 's hat and another a beret , disposed round a drop-leaved table ; the compositions of these watercolours are markedly horizontal .
23 Finally , after taping ‘ D ’ , together with its insert , on to ‘ C ’ , saw round a new outline , keeping the cut a millimetre or two outside the original shape .
24 When you are more experienced and maybe have to show round a new assistant , you will find it very helpful to have all the information in one place .
25 It must be able to run full-tilt down any of its tracks , anticipating every hazard on the surface that might trip it up and leaning into familiar bends like an experienced racing driver going round a well-practised circuit .
26 The clock 's float was connected by a line to a counter-weight and this line passed round a horizontal shaft .
27 After tea , the schoolchildren dance round a short maypole erected on the green for the occasion .
28 The taken-for-grantedness of those practices around which a conventional culture is formed represents closure ; a genuine academic community , even one built round a well-defined discipline , on the other hand , abhors closure .
29 ‘ You must excuse me , ’ croaked the old woman , reaching for her handkerchief — a murky brown item that would not have looked out of place knotted round a leaky sewer pipe — ‘ But you got to laugh sometimes !
30 Edison 's first machine was the ‘ tinfoil phonograph ’ ( 1 ) , in which sound waves at the mouthpiece vibrated a diaphragm , and created undulations in a stretched layer of tinfoil wrapped round a cylindrical drum .
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