Example sentences of "round [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Robert wheeled round to see the bearing face of Mr Mafouz .
2 Oh , we had someone round to see the house yesterday .
3 A sharp blow hit her between the shoulder blades and she wheeled round to see the woman who had spat at her leaning down to pick up another stone .
4 When the sales er exec on marketing goes round to contract the surgery to take that product there are two things that are generated .
5 The Substitute jumped out , saying he had to be in court in ten minutes , hurried round to shake the Captain 's hand through the car window , and said eagerly : ‘ Have lunch with me .
6 He turned round to find the man from the other end of the village standing behind him , dubiously shaking his head .
7 He opened his eyes and reached round to find the fastener .
8 Rosie had to stay in hospital for ten days , but on the first Monday morning after they let her out , she came round to visit the family .
9 The small boat skipper then holds the sensor in his hand and moves it round to pinpoint the source accurately .
10 He got a few yards down , he said so I said well have yo you have n't come round to view the house today have you ?
11 He was right up to it so I said well I do n't know whether you 're going round to view the house cos that 's on the market are n't they ?
12 Athelstan gasped with excitement and went round to rouse the coroner .
13 ‘ It sounds the wrong way round to choose the area because of the premises .
14 So she held her tongue as he alighted and went round to open the passenger door , offering her his hand .
15 ‘ Thanks , but I was coming up to meet you , ’ she said , as Vitor came round to open the passenger door .
16 They sat in silence until he reached Broom House , then he got out and went round to open the passenger door .
17 Roll out half of this to a 20cm ( 8inch ) round to fit the top of the cake .
18 Minutes later as neighbours rallied round to help the nursing home worker an ambulance arrived to take her to hospital .
19 As they did so the spotlights , under the control of the newsreel cameras , swung round to illuminate the fracas , leaving Mosley in twilight .
20 She ran as hard as she could across the muddy field , across the rickety bridge , and finally collapsed beyond the line of oaks where the stream curved round to mark the boundary of the colonel 's property .
21 Richard Pitman stole a quick look round to assess the closeness of his nearest pursuer — at least twenty lengths — and shortened the reins to keep Crisp together for the final draining half mile .
22 With a disbelieving shrug , he walked round to release the bonnet , and then glanced into the engine .
23 David ran after the figure that was nearly at the top , almost over the lip of the cutting , the figure then looked round to face the boy and smiled , then to David 's amazement disappeared into thin air .
24 Then you turn round to face the right .
25 Sensing she was being watched , she spun round to face the doorway , the Beretta gripped tightly at arm 's length .
26 She took her by the shoulders and turned her round to face the house .
27 Chant — wretched coward that he was — did n't slow his pace by a beat , but strode on towards the caravan as Estabrook was swung round to face the albino .
28 Pike did a sort of wild leap and whirled round to face the congregation .
29 He hitched his belt round to have the hilt of his dagger readier to his hand , and loosened the blade in the sheath .
30 It 's up to the owner to decide which way round to have the post and rails , although he must erect them on his side of the boundary .
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