Example sentences of "round [adv] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The floor was of polished cedar wood and I glanced round enviously at the stools covered with red satin and silver tassels : ‘ T.C. ’ , Wolsey 's personal monogram , was everywhere , sometimes a foot high in carved gold .
2 It was as she was passing through the drawing-room that she paused for a moment to glance round admiringly at the décor .
3 The circular stapling gun was then introduced through an anterior gastrostomy and opened in the lower oesophagus when a nylon or silk ligature was tied round just at the gastrooesophageal junction .
4 He pushed past a group of waiting relatives … why people insisted on waving when the train was still so far away had always been a mystery to him … and glanced round sharply at a teenage girl who elbowed him accidentally , but painfully , in the back .
5 Several more ladies looked round sharply at the tea table , as Mrs Frizzell tried to snatch her purchases back .
6 Kolchinsky looked round sharply at the face peering through the open passenger-door window .
7 The man looked round sharply at the figure who had emerged silently from inside the bar .
8 ‘ Sit , girls , ’ she said , looking round severely at the rows of pupils .
9 And I keep thinking to myself well something will come along , something 'll happen , but I I think what it is there is no jobs round here at the moment .
10 ‘ He went back and they said , Yes , he could have it , and their horse and trolley was going round there at a certain date and would deliver it .
11 It was just a very low part , there was a little shopping area just round there at the time er , a butcher 's shop and a greengrocer 's shop and a Post Office , Street was the Post Office on the corner , and then Street and Road which lead down into , Lane and just round oh just round there you see , but I was born at the last house in the Street almost at the bottom of Street .
12 Emily stood in the centre of the shop staring round happily at the crowd of curious customers .
13 You should then walk round quietly at the start until your number is called .
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