Example sentences of "round from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Plot the two variables in figure 10.2 the other way round from the plot in figure 10.3 , as if one wanted to predict the mortality rate from the chronic sickness rate .
2 Without it , the high concentration gradient between layers , compared with the temperature gradient , would give a higher salt transport than heat transport — the opposite way round from the relationship needed to sustain the convection .
3 So that should freeze them , and this is the new shoots round from the bottom .
4 Yes , they 've turned the people in this district round from the way they were heading .
5 We try to formulate policies that 'll meet the needs of the people who speak to us and then we use officers , not to make necessarily proposals on policies , but to help us to work out the financial ways of achieving those policies , so that 's almost the other way round from the way that John outlined .
6 She swung round from the window .
7 Without looking round from the window Hilary Robarts said : ‘ Christine Baldwin .
8 Merlyn whirled round from the window to look at her husband .
9 He said he felt no pain , apart from injections which he has never been fond of , and when he came round from the operation the first thing he asked for was the Ipswich football scores and a drink .
10 The first three bays leading round from the W door are by Kryštof Dientzenhofer and the remainder of the nave to the crossing is the work of his son , K. I. Dientzenhofer .
11 It blows year round from the north while the current of the river flows from the south .
12 The doctor said the driver should have come round from the anaesthetic by now . ’
13 " You never told me he 'd had a heart attack coming round from the anaesthetic .
14 ‘ He does n't usually throw tantrums , ’ Ashley said ruefully , as Vitor came round from the boot , ‘ but he has had a very long day . ’
15 They walk round from the school and they 've got a map of the places where the bombs dropped so
16 Carrefour started , looking round from the door , the sound echoing in his mind .
17 At the top of the hill near the last curve of the weedy driveway that led round from the back of the villa a young man stood watching their approach .
18 Benin 's deputy hurried round from the back of the van .
19 The symptoms displayed by Mr Bailes ' cow were typical of displacement of the abomasum ( when the fourth stomach slips round from the right to the left side ) and it was a condition that was just not recognized in those early days .
20 At this she cut herself a narrow wedge from the pie , and when her mother turned round from the oven and looked at her plate , she remarked , ‘ You wo n't get fat on that .
21 For a moment I wondered if she 'd fully come round from the carbon monoxide .
22 Many industries , fearful of foreign competition , have been lukewarm about the Uruguay round from the start .
23 She now swung round from the table and , thrusting her head out towards her daughter , she almost hissed , ‘ What do you expect ?
24 Llewelyn looked round from the table with a formidable scowl .
25 The first sailing from the port after midnight on the New Year was taken as the official start of the Single Market ; the first piece of freight on board was actually an unidentified light van and trailer — the driver no doubt blissfully unaware that he had made history — which , along with several vehicles turning round from the inbound convoy , sneaked back on board the 01.00 return sailing of the Pride of Kent while the official welcoming party was still in progress at the other end of the port .
26 It took me all my self-control not to turn round from the job I was doing until she had stopped and was ready for applause .
27 The CAT scan apparently showed no damage to the brain , so it was something of a shock to the doctors as well as to Dawn 's parents when she finally came round from the coma after about a week with a left hemiplegia .
28 When I came round from the chloroform I was in bed .
29 But just then , three men rode round from the front of the castle .
30 Doyle looked round from the fireplace .
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